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Why Is Fauci Not In Prison?

  • Why is Fau­ci not in prison? Cather­ine Her­ridge reports on COVID Mil­i­tary man­date harm­ing health sol­diers. Peo­ple were fired for not tak­ing the shot. The Pen­ta­gon hid tax­pay­er fund­ing for Chi­nese labs. Fau­ci walk­ing with a full tax­pay­er fund­ed secu­ri­ty detail.
  • Out­raged 9/11 fam­i­lies demand answers from Biden on video that shows Saud­is cas­ing the Capi­tol before attacks.
  • The July 11th sen­tenc­ing for Don­ald Trump will be post­poned to Sep­tem­ber 18, if still nec­es­sary. The courts deci­sion will be ren­dered off cal­en­dar on Sep­tem­ber 6. Mil­lions of dol­lars have been spent on legal fees.
  • Remem­ber the red lights are flash­ing. As you sit here today we have a ter­ror­ist warn­ing.
  • US announces anoth­er $2.3B aid pack­age for Ukraine.
  • There is a per­cent­age of repub­li­cans that are going to the con­ven­tion that don’t sup­port Trump. In the 8% there is the win and with­in that 8% there is a por­tion that dont want Trump.
  • Biden will leave and be a hero as the new can­di­date will clean the slate. Lead­ing democ­rats have lent legit­i­ma­cy to ques­tions about Bidens men­tal acu­ity, indi­cat­ing that the mat­ter or replac­ing him is far from set­tled. Some past sup­port­ers want a new can­di­date but they are leery of going pub­lic. Bidens top GA allies scram­ble to regroup. The pres­i­dent will gath­er with demo­c­rat con­gres­sion­al lead­ers and gov­er­nors tonight to soothe fears about his phys­i­cal and men­tal health. His sup­port­ers hope to out­line an aggres­sive strat­e­gy to reas­sure vot­ers he is fit to serve anoth­er term.
  • Chi­na coast guard detains a Tai­wanese fish­ing boat and 5 crew mem­bers near Que­moy, this is the lat­est in a string of con­fronta­tions in the waters off the coast of the out­post of Kin­men.
  • Repub­li­cans brace for fight over par­ty plat­form on abor­tion. A group of 10 anti-abor­tion lead­ers sent a let­ter to for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump pres­sur­ing him not to back away from lan­guage in the GOP plat­form on abor­tion. The Trump cam­paign blocks a pair of anti-abor­tion activists from the RNC plat­form com­mit­tee. We should not change the plat­form to sup­port Trump.
  • Bar­ry Lou­d­er­milk and oth­ers could have done some­thing to keep Ban­non out of jail.
  • Cast of char­ac­ters that may be run­ning the white house.
  • Where is the pan­ic in this coun­try know­ing that the guy at the top is not run­ning the coun­try. Know­ing we have troops in south east asia, japan, south korea, ger­many, nato and what is hap­pen­ing where Bdi­en does­nt know where he is at today. And Putin is treat­ing the US. and Ukraine con­tin­u­ing the fight for Crimea, know­ing it will not go back.

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