Home / Georgia / How Long Will The Deep State Allow Jill To Be The Candidate?

How Long Will The Deep State Allow Jill To Be The Candidate?

  • Why was Joe in PA? Did he real­ly need to cam­paign in PA? How long will the deep state allow Jill Biden to be the can­di­date? Democ­rats did­nt vote for her. We have that prob­lem with 2 gov­er­nors in GA. How long will Kamala Har­ris, Chuck Schumer, and Nan­cy Pelosi allow Jill to be the can­di­date?
  • Joe goes to PA. Casey dis­ap­pears after the air­port. Fet­ter­man fol­lows Joe around. Gov Shapiro was nowhere to be found. Joe lands in the Capi­tol and they send out Lt Gov. Shapiro to meet Joe for cof­fee. The only peo­ple in the cof­fee shop are staff, no press.
  • Cathy Woolard says shes step­ping down as Ful­ton Co inter­im elec­tion board chair. This was Ful­ton Co’s attempt to cor­rect elec­tions. McGowen the SOS attor­ney lied to the SEB for an hour. Rossi did a rebut­tal to the lies. Dr. John­ston at the last board meet­ing made a motion to send the Rossi case to the AG and she did­nt get a sec­ond. Ful­ton Co is sup­posed to put in an over­seer to the elec­tion accord­ing to the law, it did not hap­pen. The motion to add Rossis rebut­tal to the agen­da was tabled and moved into exec­u­tive ses­sion. Why? It should be part of the pub­lic record. Janelle King vot­ed No to move it to exec­u­tive ses­sion. If the SOS office and the AG office get to give their side false­ly to the peo­ple why cant the peo­ple rebut the false claims in pub­lic. In exec­u­tive ses­sion the board mem­bers cant talk about it but if there is action that has to be done in pub­lic. Why is the inter­im chair leav­ing?
  • Who could replace Biden? Shapiro, Buttigieg, Pritzer, Kamala, Beshear, New­som, Whit­mer.
  • PM of India meet­ing with Putin. India looks for­ward to deep­en­ing strate­gic part­ner­ship with Rus­sia.
  • Vik­tor Orban goes to Kyiv, then meets XI on a quest to bring peace to Ukraine. Then goes to Moscow to meet Putin.
  • North Korea leaves for Rus­sia
  • Syr­ia and Turkey could be head­ed for a new era of ties. 19 rec­on­cil­i­a­tion could come at the expense of Israel.
  • India is in Rus­sia
  • Chi­na in Belarus. Belarus said that Putin could use it as a stag­ing ground for nukes.
  • Turkey meets with Rus­sia.
  • Biden to meet NATO lead­ers.
  • Joe Biden is not in the cir­cle with the meet­ings that are hap­pen­ing around the world with India, Turkey, Iran, Rus­sia, Chi­na, North Korea, Hun­gry.
  • GA now leads in build­ing next gen­er­a­tion cars. VW will invest up to $5 bil­lion in Riv­ian. The two automak­ers will cre­ate a joint ven­ture focused on the devel­op­ment of a new elec­tri­cal archi­tec­ture and vehi­cle soft­ware for future mod­els. And VW just vot­ed in the UAW in TN.

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