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Ridin with Biden For How Long?

  • There was progress on the SEB in GA. Patri­ots con­tin­ued to roll out the evi­dence yes­ter­day that they say we lack.
  • Total pan­ic, will Joe leave. How long will democ­rats put up with Jill Biden being the active pres­i­dent and being the can­di­date?
  • George Stephanopou­los gives a damn­ing ver­dict of Biden after their make or break TV inter­view. George did not regret it. If and when they get Biden out of the race they will move the age ques­tion over to Trump. Look at the replace­ments they are look­ing at as Bidens replace­ment: Shapiro, 51, Whit­mer 54, New­som 56 They are talk­ing about Bidens age.
  • They are talk­ing about Biden hav­ing a bad night after 8pm. And what if there is a war after 8pm.
  • First Demo­c­rat sen­a­tor breaks with Biden and says he could drag the par­ty down and we could lose the whole thing. CO Michael Ben­net. What if we could get the super­ma­jor­i­ty of 60 Sen­a­tors.
  • Top neu­rol­o­gist makes bomb­shell claim that Biden def­i­nite­ly has Parkin­sons dis­ease and reveals the com­mon symp­toms he is dis­play­ing: I could have diag­nosed him from across the mall
  • White House gives a shock­ing response when asked if Biden would deal with a nuclear attack after 8pm and is grilled on if First Lady Jill makes deci­sions.

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