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Trump Advisors Meeting NATO Leaders, Blue States In Panic

  • Pan­ic in Blue states.
  • The democ­rats want to cause a new divide on abor­tion in the RNC.
  • Remem­ber Nadler paused before answer­ing the ques­tion if he is with Joe. Schumer is in phone calls as the pan­ic is in NY. They are so ner­vous they are ask­ing for mon­ey.
  • Is this too good to be true? This has not hap­pened since 1984.
  • Remem­ber a while back Trump said that he can see Nik­ki play­ing a role in his admin­is­tra­tion. She has some­thing com­ing.
  • Biden gives a force­ful speech at NATO. Trump for­eign pol­i­cy advi­sor meets with Euro­pean offi­cials attend­ing NATO sum­mit. Zelesnky says he cant pre­dict Trump’s actions if elect­ed. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are tired of send­ing mon­ey to Ukraine and Biden show­ing more con­cern for our NATO allies than our south­ern bor­der. Our NATO allies are not Amer­i­ca First.
  • What if Trump gets the House, Sen­ate and White House?
  • The Asian Pacif­ic is about to explode into some­thing big.
  • How many times have you heard we dont have mon­ey for the south­ern bor­der and we dont have the mon­ey to secure the bor­der yet Biden pledges air defens­es for Ukraine. After the Tril­lions of dol­lars that have been spent in Ukraine and no path for a win. NATO and EU upset Orban with his trips with BRICS nations.
  • Sau­di warns G7 over Rus­sia seizures with debt sale threat. They are ready to sell off their bonds for Euro­pean states.
  • The SAVE act is to stop ille­gals vot­ing
  • There is some­thing about the Olympics on July 26. The last Olympics Xi and PUtin set up the actu­al day that Putin would roll the tanks into Ukraine. The world is a TV pro­gram. NBC will broad­cast tied up in the Olympics. What will hap­pen after the Olympics. There could be a good time to slip in a new can­di­date.

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