Trump Advisors Meeting NATO Leaders, Blue States In Panic
- Panic in Blue states.
- The democrats want to cause a new divide on abortion in the RNC.
- Remember Nadler paused before answering the question if he is with Joe. Schumer is in phone calls as the panic is in NY. They are so nervous they are asking for money.
- Is this too good to be true? This has not happened since 1984.
- Remember a while back Trump said that he can see Nikki playing a role in his administration. She has something coming.
- Biden gives a forceful speech at NATO. Trump foreign policy advisor meets with European officials attending NATO summit. Zelesnky says he cant predict Trump’s actions if elected. The American people are tired of sending money to Ukraine and Biden showing more concern for our NATO allies than our southern border. Our NATO allies are not America First.
- What if Trump gets the House, Senate and White House?
- The Asian Pacific is about to explode into something big.
- How many times have you heard we dont have money for the southern border and we dont have the money to secure the border yet Biden pledges air defenses for Ukraine. After the Trillions of dollars that have been spent in Ukraine and no path for a win. NATO and EU upset Orban with his trips with BRICS nations.
- Saudi warns G7 over Russia seizures with debt sale threat. They are ready to sell off their bonds for European states.
- The SAVE act is to stop illegals voting
- There is something about the Olympics on July 26. The last Olympics Xi and PUtin set up the actual day that Putin would roll the tanks into Ukraine. The world is a TV program. NBC will broadcast tied up in the Olympics. What will happen after the Olympics. There could be a good time to slip in a new candidate.