Home / National / Trump Is Brilliant But He Is Surrounded By Bad People

Trump Is Brilliant But He Is Surrounded By Bad People

  • The media is all cov­er­ing this and are cov­er­ing the fail­ure. When they cov­er this they coverup the fail­ure of Chea­tle. And accord­ing to them the only mas­sive fail­ure is that Trump is not dead. This is the same media that knew the Schiff was lying on the Steele Dossier and the lap­top was real. They are upset at MSNBC
  • You knew that Ron and Nik­ki were com­ing out. She is the same Nik­ki Haley yes­ter­day and will be the same tomor­row. She feels that Trump needs her. We will see. Trump gets elect­ed and she goes for the vis­it, remem­ber when Mitt Rom­ney went for the vis­it and Trump tells him he did­nt make it. Hop­ing that will hap­pen with Nik­ki Haley.
  • Trump is bril­liant but he is sur­round­ed by bad peo­ple.
  • This is the bridge to the future vs the bridge to nowhere. That is where the democ­rats are and they dont know what to do with it. Repub­li­cans are poised for the next 20 years.

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