Home / Opinion / Apparently An Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump Failed! Whats Next?

Apparently An Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump Failed! Whats Next?

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The Pro­gres­sives, as I have often pre­dict­ed, have so vil­i­fied Don­ald Trump as a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy, that it was almost inevitable that some where, some time, a true believ­er would self-acti­vate to try to take Trump out. They tried and failed, and Trump lives! The attempt­ed assas­sin, sup­pos­ed­ly a 20 year old white male named Thomas Matthew Crooks, was a reg­is­tered Repub­li­can. How­ev­er, a short video sur­faced of a fel­low claim­ing he was Thomas Matthew Crooks adding: I hate Trump, I hate Repub­li­cans and guess what, you got the wrong man! And yet, there he lies DRT, on a rooftop in But­ler, Pa., but not before he got his shots off. It is prob­a­ble that the short video, alleged­ly made by Crooks, was mis­in­for­ma­tion, a pre­re­cord­ed effort to con­fuse the inves­ti­ga­tion. The issue of the shooter’s true iden­ti­ty needs to be clar­i­fied and that can be accom­plished by bring­ing the per­son on the video up on the stage for all to see. Any bets?

But, back to the shoot­ing! Upon hear­ing the sound of shots and see­ing Pres­i­dent Trump grab his ear and drop to the plat­form he stood upon, imme­di­ate pan­ic ensued, atten­dees behind him duck­ing, the Secret Ser­vice imme­di­ate­ly shield­ing Trump from fur­ther injury as they hus­tled him out of har­m’s way. There were sev­en shots record­ed, a first four, the one that hit Trump twice, and two oth­er unfor­tu­nates, fol­lowed by three more shots which were in fact, uni­formed Secret Ser­vice snipers deliv­er­ing to Crooks his just reward. It appears, by pho­to evi­dence, that Trump was wear­ing body armor and took a hit to his right front chest as well.

The real sto­ry here, now that the shout­ing is over, is the Left wing medias take on the attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion as well as the Marx­ist Demo­c­rat politi­cians try­ing to cov­er their tracks. An alleged out­pour­ing of hor­ror, dis­gust and com­mis­er­a­tion came from those Demo­c­rat politi­cians, while the X, for­mer­ly known as Twit­ter was imme­di­ate­ly filled with all the woke fruits, nuts and flakes that fill the ranks of the Pro­gres­sive par­ty, decry­ing Crooks poor marks­man­ship, his obvi­ous lack of rifle train­ing while prais­ing his mar­tyrism. One must ques­tion why would a 20-year-old want to par­tic­i­pate in a sui­cide mis­sion? Jihadists do it will­ing­ly but I sus­pect a full inquiry into his back­ground will reveal an Antifa con­nec­tion. He had to know the instant his shots rang out, Secret Ser­vice snipers would return fire.

Look for the media to attempt to make Crooks look like a con­ser­v­a­tive. Theyve done it before, espe­cial­ly in mass shoot­ing scenes where invari­ably, the shoot­ers have all turned out to be Pro­gres­sive trans­gen­ders, or oth­er­wise, peo­ple bare­ly cling­ing to real­i­ty. The media has report­ed that Crooks was a reg­is­tered Repub­li­can but fed­er­al cam­paign finance records show he was a minor con­trib­u­tor of $15, on 20 Jan 2021, to a Demo­c­rat pro­gres­sive polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee. Police, dig­ging around through Crooks dead body found no iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Fin­ger­print­ing the corpse at the scene or using DNA meth­ods (report­ed­ly there was plen­ty of gray brain mat­ter scat­tered about), is suf­fi­cient to con­firm his iden­ti­ty. Pre­dictably, the Left wing medias jour­nal­ism tac­tics used dimin­ish­ing words to describe Trumps move­ments when the shoot­ing start­ed in an obvi­ous attempt to make him look like a stum­ble­bum, weak, con­fused and dis­ori­ent­ed. They nev­er give up, do they?

Final­ly, a word about the secu­ri­ty there. Nor­mal­ly, secu­ri­ty is planned well in advance. Depend­ing on the venue, by estab­lish­ing con­cen­tric cir­cles from the out­side in. Fur­thest out is the road­blocks by local or state police units, manned by offi­cers hope­ful­ly trained in what to look for. It can extend a mile out under cer­tain cir­cum­stances. The Sec­ond lay­er, the mid­dle one, is clear­ing high rise build­ings room by room, (think Las Vegas) con­duct­ing basic back­ground inquiries on build­ing man­agers or super­in­ten­dents and keep­ing roof tops under con­stant view from heli­copters or now, even drones, with snipers posi­tioned on every rooftop scan­ning every win­dow. The depths of pro­tec­tion and the costs involved, per­tain to the vis­i­bil­i­ty and rank or sta­tus of the pro­tecte. The mid­dle cir­cle failed here. Less than 200 meters is too close to be ignored.

Pro­tec­tive ser­vices, once start­ed can­not be micro­man­aged by seniors not on the scene. There­fore the Secret Ser­vice team leader, who usu­al­ly can become para­noid before the event ends, must take the heat if things go wrong. That Trump was­nt killed was this team lead­er’s good for­tune but still, a weak­ness not seen by the team under his guid­ance was exploit­ed by the shoot­er. Wit­nesss saw Crooks climb­ing on the roof, informed uni­formed police near­by about the threat, and no imme­di­ate action was tak­en to neu­tral­ize it until after three shots were fired. By then its usu­al­ly too late. God and a bul­let proof vest pro­tect­ed Don­ald Trump. Still, a lit­tle blood goes a long way, all the way to the GOP Con­ven­tion start­ing tomor­row and the vot­ing booths on 5 Novem­ber. What will they try next?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the only way! Now go get em! (14Jul24)

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