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Democrats, Are You Tired Of Your Leaders Being Given To You? Where Is Your Vote?

  • Democ­rats gave you Hilary Clin­ton. Repub­li­cans were tired of that, they gave us John McCain and Mitt Rom­ney. In 2016, repub­li­cans said no more, they were going to give us Jeb Bush. Repub­li­cans put their foot down and got Don­ald Trump. Joe could have passed the torch before the pri­maries. But she could not have beat­en the oth­er can­di­dates. There would have been more can­di­dates. They held it back on pur­pose. The same media that wants you to believe they just caught on to Joes decline. They wait­ed until you were forced to accept Joe as the can­di­date. Then swapped Kamala. They must have done some inter­nal polling that if Kamala wins could you believe she won.
  • Jef­fries pri­vate­ly tells col­leagues Har­ris will be 47th pres­i­dent.
  • Trump Kamala polling. COVID stole the last elec­tion, its steal­ing this one. Joe got COVID. Just like that we are at a sta­tis­ti­cal tie. And Bidens approval num­bers are going up. HIs approval num­bers will start going through the roof.
  • Keep in mind that Kamala made a deal. The torch was lit then. What process? Joe did not have a self­less act, Joe was told. What good is your vote, democ­rats? They wont steal and elec­tion, democ­rats rob their own peo­ple. What do you think they are doing right now? They are steal­ing the elec­tion from those who vot­ed. They nev­er talk about the votes, but they got the del­e­gates.
  • Will there be an elec­tion? Democ­rats are doing as they please with­out the vot­ers.

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