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Do You Think They Can Go From Plan A To Plan B To Plan C?

  • Do you think they can go from plan A to plan B to plan C? Biden is going out in a blaze. How can they move the ball if Kamala is not going to be their can­di­date? Joe was a fake lib­er­al, Kamala is a true lib­er­al, will they bring in anoth­er can­di­date. Joe has not been there for 4 years and Kamala, Bernie and John Ker­ry have been run­ning the asy­lum.
  • If you dont pro­nounce Kamalas name, dont call her black, or call her a DEI hire; you are con­sid­ered a racist.
  • Fmr LT gov Dun­can from GA is beg­ging for a part in a demo­c­rat admin­is­tra­tion.
  • Kamala cam­paign memo lays out path to Vic­to­ry. WI, MI, PA, NC, GA, AZ and NV. The VP advan­tages with young vot­ers, black vot­ers and lati­no vot­ers. You can­not allow them to allow her to be some­one. Black over­tones in Kamala cam­paign ad. Is she going to be Abe Lin­coln and free the slaves?
  • The brown­ing of Amer­i­ca is not by birth, its by the open bor­der. They are going to want you to believe that the excite­ment is so large that they are going to black shame and have you feel the 2008 white guilt. They are work­ing on a path­way in Philly, Detroit, Ful­ton Co. The media is cov­er­ing for Kamala and they are not talk­ing about the DNC con­ven­tion.
  • Near­ly 40K new vot­ers in 48 hrs since Bidens exit between the ages 18–34. Are they real? You have been try­ing to clean up the vot­er rolls, dis­con­nect ERIC, the DMV from insert­ing vot­ers. You have been work­ing hard to clean your vot­er rolls. And just like that they insert the vot­ers.
  • She does­nt have to win, you just have to believe she won.
  • They have to pass the torch, Joe the Hero and make Kamala amaz­ing. Can they get you to believe she won? His­toric endorse­ments, dona­tions, vol­un­teers, vot­er reg­is­tra­tions.
  • The media keeps telling you it is small donors. Look into the Act Blue scan­dal.
  • Seems like GA is back in the game.

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