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An Attempt to Explain the Almost Unexplainable

Try­ing to explain the unex­plain­able and the unfath­omable by paint­ing a men­tal pic­ture to describe some­thing that has nev­er exist­ed in human his­to­ry is quite a chal­lenge, espe­cial­ly in a hyper­crit­i­cal, hyper­bol­ic and divi­sive social media world that con­nects us all.

Im throw­ing cau­tion to the wind by offer­ing my gift of under­stand­ing and vision that brings me unspeak­able joy. Not for likes, fol­lows, fan­dom or ego, but for a pro­found pay it for­ward sense of grat­i­tude in the hope oth­ers might get it.

Every sin­gle glob­al resource on earth, to include human labor, nation­al cur­ren­cies, nat­ur­al resources, goods & ser­vices, pre­cious met­als, real estate, debt, lend­ing, deriv­a­tives, insur­ance, gam­ing, patents, con­tracts — EVERYTHING — will be enhanced by dig­i­tal inter­op­er­abil­i­ty that brings instant glob­al liq­uid­i­ty from all peo­ple, to all peo­ple, any­time and any­where on this earth.

Were mov­ing away from god­less cen­tral­ized bank­ing, hid­den hand thiev­ery, mil­i­tary-indus­tri­al war­fare, cur­ren­cy debase­ment, nation-state mon­ey laun­der­ing, drug and human traf­fick­ing, theft by infla­tion, suf­fo­cat­ing usury and tax­a­tion, per­mis­sion slips from bankers to trans­act, trans­fer, share or receive any form of val­ue or per­son­al prop­er­ty, with any oth­er per­son or enti­ty on earth.

Every­thing on earth is in the process of decen­tral­iz­ing for the pro­found bet­ter­ment of human­i­ty.

My hope is for as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble to see, learn under­stand and ben­e­fit from this unique moment in human his­to­ry with­out falling vic­tim to fear, uncer­tain­ty or doubt.

Cred­it to @SMQKEDQG, @Prolotario1 and so many of my bril­liant, wise friends in the @Ripple, #XRPArmy, @linqtoinc, #Cryp­to, #Polit­i­cal, #Phi­los­o­phy & #Faith cir­cles.

Orig­i­nal KUWL­Show post on X.com,


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