Home / Opinion / Time to Refocus On What’s Important But, We Can’t Ignore the Other

Time to Refocus On What’s Important But, We Can’t Ignore the Other


We have entered the tawdry four month peri­od of name call­ing, ‘gotcha” ques­tion­ing, gaslight­ing, scream­ing, rend­ing of gar­ments, throw­ing unfair accu­sa­tions at oppo­nents and maybe even, anoth­er attempt to take Don­ald Trump out of the game before he’s reelect­ed. Should that unfor­tu­nate occur­rence hap­pen and the con­ve­nience of any part of Biden’s gov­ern­ment is even remote­ly sus­pect­ed, then all rea­son for fright­ened Amer­i­cans not tak­ing up arms will van­ish in an instant. We can deal with the medi­a’s attempts to rearrange what is the news because their view­er­ship has dropped off so low that it’s sur­pris­ing they can even stay in busi­ness. But we can­not ‘tol­er­ate’ anoth­er attack on Don­ald Trump espe­cial­ly if they suc­ceed.

Until then, we should avoid tit for tat efforts to keep up with the idiots in the lega­cy media and the White House Com­mu­ni­ca­tions spokesper­son try­ing to jus­ti­fy the non­sense of Biden’s incom­pe­tent regime and con­cen­trate instead on the real prob­lems that need to be dis­cussed, such as what gov­ern­ment is best for Amer­i­ca, Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­li­can­ism or Socialism/Communism. On that point we might even end up talk­ing to our­selves because the ‘scream­ing meemies’ of the lega­cy media have no oth­er plan than to scream and shout loud­er than us when they are con­front­ed. The Black Jour­nal­ists con­ven­tion to which Don­ald Trump was invit­ed, was only the lat­est exam­ple of an ambush atten­dant with acri­mo­ny and false claims. Pres­i­dent Trump acquit­ted him­self admirably and is expert at see­ing and avoid­ing such traps. I was once told to nev­er argue with idiots, they’ll drag you down to their lev­el and beat you to death with their expe­ri­ence.

Of major con­cern right now is that the assas­si­na­tion attempt on Don­ald Trump, a poten­tial world shak­ing event, is dis­ap­pear­ing from the news and nobody wants to talk about it. Instead, the media wants to rewrite the social­ist his­to­ry of the cack­ling mis­tress from Cal­i­for­nia, Kamala Har­ris, from a “Malef­i­cent” to a “Snow White.” The ques­tion remains, was the attempt on Trump’s life planned by peo­ple who have the most to lose from Trump’s pres­i­den­cy, out­side forces or a sin­gle mind­ed TDS deranged youth look­ing for his fif­teen min­utes of fame? There are sev­er­al groups that can eas­i­ly fit into that cat­e­go­ry, not the least of which is the New World Order and its bank­ing col­lab­o­ra­tors, the Deep State bureau­cra­cy that enables gov­ern­ment incom­pe­tence, or Fed­er­al Law Enforce­ment and the DoJ that has lost its favor with con­fused and fright­ened Amer­i­cans. Why has the inabil­i­ty of Con­gress to regain con­trol of the gov­ern­ment “of the peo­ple” turned into a hash sling­ing night­mare usu­al­ly found only in third world gov­ern­ments, like Venezue­la’s at the moment?

While its essen­tial for con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­cans to press the attack on Biden’s gov­ern­ment incom­pe­tence, his failed open bor­ders poli­cies, his for­eign pol­i­cy fail­ures start­ing with Afghanistan to Ukraine to Israel and now, the poten­tial for anoth­er world war, we still must keep the eyes in the back of our heads open because while it’s squeaky, the wheels of Biden and Mer­rick Gar­land’s odi­ous appa­ra­tus of gov­ern­ment oppres­sion will con­tin­ue to grind “and they will grind woe.” Trump warned us, when he said: “they’re not com­ing after me (him), they’re com­ing after you, he’s just stand­ing in the way.” From here on Amer­i­cans must be on their guard, if not from the gov­ern­ment, but also from the hoards of ille­gals com­ing here with crim­i­nal intent already killing Amer­i­cans on the streets or in their homes. Some­body in charge has got to say enough. It’s not going to be a Demo­c­rat, and cer­tain­ly not mis­tress Kamala!

To date, we are expect­ed to accept that the Secret Ser­vice, which for what­ev­er excuse, either delib­er­ate­ly or by not prac­tic­ing pro­fes­sion­al pro­to­cols, screwed-up the pro­tec­tion of Don­ald Trump’s ral­ly that could have had world-wide com­pli­ca­tions. The Kennedy assas­si­na­tion is still sus­pect and Amer­i­cans remain con­fused about it, many think­ing that Kennedy’s death was a con­spir­a­cy. But, between whom? The FBI’s recent news­wor­thy escapades, its night time door bust­ing arrests round­ing up Chris­tians who pray at abor­tion clin­ics, par­ents who embar­rass “woke” school board mem­bers or Jan 6 pro­tes­tors, can­not regain their once vaunt­ed sta­tus as a world pre­mier law enforce­ment agency. On that point, their goose is cooked. They can’t be trust­ed! The seri­ous stu­dents of gov­ern­ment malfea­sance may find relief in the YouTube chan­nels of con­gres­sion­al com­mit­tees attempt­ing to gain infor­ma­tion from reluc­tant wit­ness­es per­ti­nent to their inquiries who basi­cal­ly obfus­cate their answers to wait out their time. Most have no fear their answers will gen­er­ate their arrests for lying to Con­gress. We have a lot of prob­lems fac­ing us. Mis­tress Har­ris is not one of them!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, watch your back. Believe it when Trump says they are com­ing after us! (02Aug24)

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