Home / Georgia / What If Brian Kemp Said We Needed To Look At The 2020 Election

What If Brian Kemp Said We Needed To Look At The 2020 Election

  • Kamala is going to be in Atlanta again today. What if the gov­er­nors of GA and Brad Raf­fensperg­er actu­al­ly had a meet­ing with David Cross, Kevin Mon­cla, Joe Rossi, Kim P Brooks. And what if there were some inves­ti­ga­tion into what hap­pened in the cor­rup­tion in Ful­ton Coun­ty. What if Bri­an Kemp said we need­ed to look at the 2020 elec­tion. Democ­rats are embold­en in GA. some­how they think they can win by deci­sion. The elec­tion was­nt decid­ed by an out­come, but by deci­sion.
  • They are say­ing that JD Vance is weird. But Richard Levine and Dylan Mul­vaney are men that think they are women. And Kamala is a black woman and her fam­i­ly is not black. And the media applaud­ed two men stag­ing a pic­ture as if they had the baby in the hos­pi­tal. A woman dressed up as a man is report­ing JD Vance is a chameleon.
  • The media has throt­tled down the assas­si­na­tion attempt of Don­ald Trump. Algo­rithms
  • It seems just yes­ter­day repub­li­cans and democ­rats in a bipar­ti­san effort want­ed to safe­guard you in hav­ing your data going to Chi­na via Tik­Tok. This past week Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign is brag­ging of get­ting 3.5M fol­low­ers on Tik­Tok. They dont care if Tik­tok is pulling their infor­ma­tion. It was all a front. It was to get you to believe some­thing that is not true. 819
  • Then democ­rats and repub­li­cans come up with the sale of tik­tok and sep­a­rate from Chi­na.
  • Since the assas­si­na­tion attempt on Trump Meta, Face­book and google have said that the shoot­ing nev­er hap­pened, false­ly claimed the pic was doc­tored and down­played the news in search.
  • Right after the assas­si­na­tion attempt on Tik­Tok, black men and women were sup­port­ing Trump. After Biden was out of the race and Kamala was announced, those videos are gone and now noth­ing but Kamala Har­ris videos. We are run­ning against social media and the net­works. Thanks to Elon Musk for allow­ing free­dom of speech.
  • Speak­er Mike John­son announced the bipar­ti­san House Task Force to inves­ti­gate the attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. Dont for­get the J6 Select Com­mit­tee, Nan­cy select­ed the com­mit­tee. Repub­li­cans like to fol­low the rules but they cant get results. Will this com­mit­tee seal 100 pages of the results much like 9–11 and JFK for 50 years? Will they tele­vise the process as they did for J6? Will there be arrests for not show­ing up with sub­poe­na or arrests for the crim­i­nals that were com­plic­it in the assas­si­na­tion attempt of a for­mer pres­i­dent? We cant even ask ques­tions. 834
  • Venezuela stole the elec­tion and the net­works are ner­vous to talk about it. Because they know the 2020 elec­tion was stolen.

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