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Everything Is Laid Out In An Attempt To Steal An Election

  • Gov­er­nor Kemp is going to do a press con­fer­ence today at 2pm. We need a video of some­one ask­ing Gov Kemp today Mr Gov­er­nor, were you invit­ed to speak at Trumps ral­ly to uni­fy the par­ty and if so why did­nt you attend? We need facial expres­sions, get the video of Kemp turn­ing around and not answer­ing the ques­tion and the fire from Mar­tys eyes.
  • Our GA GOP Inc has been tan­gled with the for­mer GOP chair­man John Pad­gett. There is an open law­suit with the GA GOP Inc with John Pad­gett. The GA GOP wants to seal the set­tle­ment agree­ment with the judge. How cor­rupt can things be.
  • Vot­ing machine con­tract under scruti­ny fol­low­ing dis­crep­an­cies in Puer­to Ricos pri­maries that would be Domin­ion we have so much evi­dence. We watched the Hal­der­man report as he altered the machine with a ball­point pen.
  • Every­thing is laid out in an attempt to steal an elec­tion.
  • In the spir­it of uni­fy­ing We all watched the drop box­es all around the state and we watched 2000 Mules. We ran the sto­ry right after the elec­tion of the num­ber of drop box­es in every coun­ty in the state. There was major lob­by­ing not to take Zucker­buck. There was a major push to end the drop box­es. There was a team with Mar­cy McCarthy work­ing very hard to stop Zucker­bucks in GA. Here was the com­pro­mise Zucker­buck could still come into the state but it would go to the SOS office and be dis­persed through the SOS office. And all the drop box­es would be placed inside the polling offices. The rea­son they kept the box­es is because one day the box­es will go back out­side, they should have been elim­i­nat­ed.
  • What democ­rats do is to run a major cam­paign to get you to mail your bal­lots in through the USPS and they get repub­li­cans to join. Repub­li­cans want to do what democ­rats are doing chase the bal­lots and use the postal ser­vice for mail in bal­lots. The mail ser­vice in GA is hor­ren­dous. They will not mail out the absen­tee bal­lots in time to get to you and allow you to vote and get them back in time to count in the elec­tion. Mark Elias is ready to run the law­suits to extend vote count for mail in bal­lots. They will be run­ning in every court in GA to run this. The GA law­mak­er that is seek­ing the fix is Demo­c­rat Sen­a­tor John Ossoff. 907

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