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Kamala Is Ready To Be The Man In The Relationship

  • Kamala is ready to be the man in the rela­tion­ship. We know why Walz is the pick and why Shapiro is not on the tick­et. Democ­rats are Jew-less.
  • Lit­tle Deb­bie is putting out some bad infor­ma­tion. We will dis­cuss the GA State Elec­tion Board meet­ing. They did not vote against paper bal­lots. Lit­tle Deb­bie is try­ing to get on a band­wag­on that she thinks will have the pay­out.
  • They are try­ing to cre­ate some­one. Every­thing has been rehearsed, designed and put into place.
  • The build up for the demo­c­rat par­ty. The cam­paign arm, deep state media, got the secret word of the day­rockus?
  • They are going to try to run the 2008 Hope and Change. Bidens approval rat­ings are going up. Eric Hold­er and Barack Oba­ma are all in and nev­er left. They set up down the street from the White House. Eric Hold­er vet­ted the VP can­di­dates. They have to get you to believe the roll out. What you need is every­one on board. Have you noticed that there has­nt been a pol­i­cy issue giv­en? Tim Walz is a left­ist Lib­er­al, he is ok with tran­si­tion­ing your kid and not telling the par­ents.
  • The roll out is per­fect for the democ­rats, the video, imagery, pho­tos, maybe they got some Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­ers.
  • If you are want­i­ng to start a club at the high school. You have to have a spon­sor, fac­ul­ty advi­sor. When his high school want­ed to start the gay straight alliance, Tim Walz was the fac­ul­ty advi­sor.
  • Why did­nt they pick Josh Shapiro, very pop­u­lar gov­er­nor of PA. Josh goes on the stage yes­ter­day, got the ral­ly going with excite­ment. Josh Shapiro is jew­ish, and we know the demo­c­rat par­ty is anti-jew­ish. The only time they sup­port Jew­ish is if the vot­ing block is so large they have to. Josh is Jew­ish, con­sid­ered mod­er­ate, pop­u­lar, hes alpha. He wants to be pres­i­dent and Kamala was not going to let him be the man in the rela­tion­ship.
  • In the demo­c­rat pri­ma­ry 45,900 of democ­rats said no to Joe Biden, Islam­ic vot­ers. In 2016, Clin­ton won by 44K votes. More peo­ple vot­ed against Joe Biden in the pri­ma­ry. The Islam com­mu­ni­ty will not vote for a Jew. Trump would flip Wis­con­sin red if Shapiro was on the tick­et. Same with Michi­gan.
  • There were 3 things that were going to hap­pen to Joe. either he was going to drop out, do the 25th amend­ment, or joe was going to die.
  • 830
  • In 2016, Hilary had the You Can­not Lose Vic­to­ry Par­ty planned.
  • Tim Walz and Kamala Har­ris will bring it to the Mar­gin of Steal. Shapiro will focus on PA for Kamala.
  • And GA is in play.

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