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Who is Tim Walz?

  • We have talked about dates, we have to get past cer­tain dates. We talked about get­ting past the con­ven­tion and Trump get­ting the nom­i­na­tion. On July 13 at 6:11 we were close to Trump not get­ting past that date.
  • Is the Trump cam­paign now on bor­rowed time past the expi­ra­tion date of the plan?
  • Sep­tem­ber 18th. The SCOTUS has said they are not mov­ing the sen­tenc­ing tri­al. The 34 counts of con­vict­ed felony which was sched­uled on July 11, which was moved to Sep­tem­ber 18th. Did some­one know that the attempt on Trumps life to move it from July 11th? Now on July 13th, he sur­vived. He is liv­ing on bor­rowed time. This is the date the judge will decide if he will wear an ankle bracelet, house arrest, or go to prison. The judge knew that Steve Ban­non should not have gone to jail. But they had to take him off the air.
  • Now Jan 6th Trump wins, the new con­gress is sworn in on Jan 3rd. Jan 6th the new peo­ple cer­ti­fy the elec­tion where Kamala Har­ris stands where Mike Pence. They may not cer­ti­fy on Jan 6th and dis­qual­i­fy Trump. They plan to dis­qual­i­fy him on Jan 6th. They plan to arm them­selves. They plan to ready the mil­i­tary.
  • They are try­ing to tell you that Trump is whoop­ing up WWIII. But the f‑16 fight­er jets have arrived in Ukraine. The UK is in major riots because of ille­gals. France just signed a deal with Rus­sia. You have the rus­sians say­ing to keep it safe, giv­ing Iran to go to hit Israel but dont hit civil­ians. You have North Korea mov­ing nuclear weapons to the bor­der of South Korea. And you have Hamas and the tur­moil in the Mid­dle East. Now imag­ine Kamala at the head with Tim Walz rush­ing in with the hot dish.
  • The twi­light zone 1007
  • Joe has demen­tia. Tim Walz is a liar. Tim Walz is the chair of the demo­c­rat gov­er­nor asso­ci­a­tion. Kamala can only say that she spent a lot of time with Joe. She said that she is not lying but she is. The Amer­i­can peo­ple need some­one that will go to the Amer­i­can peo­ple and tell the truth. The two demo­c­rat can­di­dates have both said that they have spent a lot of time with Joe Biden and they have come to the cam­era to tell you a lie.
  • Tim Walz
  • Sanc­tu­ary state MN Gov Tim Walz gave ille­gal migrants tax­pay­er-fund­ed health­care tuition and dri­vers license.
  • Free­dom to them is remov­ing the par­ents. If you dont sup­port your child in how they feel they will allow HHS to take your child from the par­ents. Now if you are in a state that does­nt allow the tran­si­tion of your kids bring them to MN. Tim Walz is ok with muti­lat­ing your chil­dren.
  • Chris­tians beware. Tim Walz is the use­ful idiot who changed the MN state flag to resem­ble the Soma­lian flag. Make Amer­i­ca Great Again is bad?
  • Walz signs a bill requir­ing schools stock peri­od prod­ucts in boys bath­rooms.
  • Remem­ber he was the gov­er­nor of MN dur­ing the sum­mer or riots. Walz allowed them to burn down Min­neapo­lis and Kamala worked to get those arrest­ed out of jail. Walz told police and nation­al guard to stand down.
  • One of the biggest lies we have been told is not to talk about reli­gion and pol­i­tics. Because you did­nt talk about reli­gion and pol­i­tics because you did­nt want to hurt some­ones feel­ings. Emer­ald Robin­son: Too many Chris­tians in the mod­ern world have been told to tol­er­ate evil rather than fight it. In fact, noth­ing has done more harm to Chris­tian­i­ty in the last 50 years than the false gospel of tol­er­ance. The cow­ardice and silence of the Chris­t­ian major­i­ty in Amer­i­ca must end.
  • Its all about the cre­ator and his cre­ation. These peo­ple are try­ing to alter the cre­ator’s cre­ation and you just dont do that.

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