Home / Opinion / The Democrats Dilemma, They’re Running Out of Time

The Democrats Dilemma, They’re Running Out of Time


Time is against Democ­rats. Joe Biden who, for what­ev­er rea­sons pub­licly capit­u­lat­ed his can­di­da­cy not his pres­i­den­cy, endors­ing Kamala Har­ris to suc­ceed him, is gone. Both are idiots. She can’t suc­ceed him unless he’s actu­al­ly dead or abdi­cates. He did­n’t abdi­cate and he’s not dead yet so far as we know, so Kamala can­not sim­ply become the par­ty’s can­di­date by fiat of par­ty lead­ers with­out a vote of DNC del­e­gates. Her can­di­da­cy is an open ques­tion that com­pli­cates demo­c­ra­t­ic pro­ce­dures. To do oth­er­wise is to sweep the cher­ished prin­ci­ples of democ­ra­cy they have so stead­fast­ly cham­pi­oned all these years, out the door with Joe. There is a process and the DNC must fol­low if they intend their can­di­date to even appear to be legit­i­mate. For Democ­rats, there are bet­ter can­di­dates who could be offered up but so lit­tle time to get ’em. BTW, Gavin New­some is not one of them, not now, not ever, nev­er!

For the DNC, their press­ing need is to find an accept­able can­di­date who Amer­i­cans can ral­ly around. To not embrace the pri­ma­ry process when they need it is to per­pet­u­ate the con­tin­u­ing belief that vot­ing fraud is in fact, their stan­dard oper­at­ing pro­ce­dures! Their con­ven­tion in Chica­go starts 19 August and they lack a legit­i­mate can­di­date. In des­per­a­tion, the Democ­rats may have to throw over the rules of selec­tion and pro­ceed with Kamala “the unfit.” If they con­tin­ue down this path, they will dou­ble down on their tried and true meth­ods of sti­fling dis­sent: accuse all who oppose her as racists because she’s half Indi­an, and sex­ist because she’s of the female gen­der. Her oth­er half, as we all know, is African-Jamaican, a sin­gu­lar fact that effec­tive­ly removes from her the claim of an African-Amer­i­can her­itage she so des­per­ate­ly desires. She is nei­ther enti­tled to repa­ra­tions or the job she cov­ets.

The RNC just fin­ished its very suc­cess­ful con­ven­tion con­firm­ing a liv­ing Don­ald Trump as their pres­i­den­tial can­di­date and JD Vance as VP and heir appar­ent. The con­ven­tion speak­ers focused their ridicule on the record of the hap­less Demo­c­rat can­di­date, Joe Biden, but since then, Joe left the game and Kamala, because she is his VP, seems to be the log­i­cal choice. But oth­ers dis­agree. Time is run­ning out and the flot­sam of her polit­i­cal career will swirl around her as she attempts to avoid drown­ing in the cam­paign rhetoric that is sure to swamp her. Democ­rats can do bet­ter than Kamala. Her record con­firms she is a com­mit­ted rad­i­cal, anti-seman­tic Marx­ist who is unpre­pared, unskilled and inept. She will drown in the swirling polit­i­cal waters that will engulf her.

In light of the DNC’s appar­ent self-destruc­tion, its inter­nal strug­gle to throw Joe under the bus but keep the bus tracks from show­ing up on Kamala’s back, the RNC must redi­rect its cam­paign strat­e­gy from attack­ing their idiot per­son­al­i­ties, to focus­ing on the real destruc­tion Joe’s poli­cies have brought to Amer­i­ca since he became pres­i­dent. It’s impos­si­ble to com­pare Joe’s Bide­nomics with Don­ald Trump’s four suc­cess­ful years rais­ing the econ­o­my, cre­at­ing ener­gy inde­pen­dence and rais­ing real employ­ment num­bers, espe­cial­ly among minori­ties, even as they pum­meled him with spu­ri­ous accu­sa­tions and inves­ti­ga­tions dur­ing his 2016 cam­paign, his pres­i­den­cy and his renewed 2024 cam­paign to return to the White House. The Democ­ra­t’s real dilem­ma is that “Trump Lives.” A last attempt to get him on an open field also failed and so we are now all faced with the dilem­ma of increas­ing vio­lence. It won’t stop! We must be alert as the Demo­c­rat pro­pa­gan­da machine, the lega­cy media and their polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee’s rev up their cam­paigns to re-invent Kamala Har­ris enough to be sell­able to the mass of idiots who will vote for her. They must reframe her Marx­ist, anti-Amer­i­can remarks, recon­fig­ure her anti­se­mit­ic sup­port of the rad­i­cal Demo­c­rat agen­da, their scheme to replace Amer­i­cans with ille­gals invaders released from pris­ons and men­tal insti­tu­tions in coun­tries all over the world, repur­pose her sup­port of abor­tion on demand for pop­u­la­tion con­trol, sup­port the great cli­mate hoax to aban­don gas and oil in favor of breezes and sun­beams to main­tain our man­u­fac­tur­ing sec­tor and, sus­tain life’s lit­tle com­forts like heat­ing, air con­di­tion­ing and free­dom of move­ment. That’s where we must attack. Kamala is just the face of destruc­tion.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the Way. Now, go get ready! (25Jul24)

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