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Here In The Real World We Don’t Get Discouraged

  • Here in the real world we don’t get dis­cour­aged. We are plow­ing for­ward. 
  • REmem­ber Don­ald Trump is dan­ger­ous and more dan­ger­ous than Putin and the Mid­dle East. They are at def­con one. Waf­fle House John is afraid to hold meet­ings because we are all dan­ger­ous. 
  • They paid a crowd and they ran the clips, they are pro­duc­ing a cam­paign. All they have is Kamala free­dom and we are not going back. 
  • If you want to know the issues there is a 2 hour con­ver­sa­tion. The infor­ma­tion that Don­ald Trump brought last night. 
  • WE don’t know what has come across the bor­der and we have to talk for­eign pol­i­cy. 
  • Trump had Iran broke. 
  • The coun­tries are send­ing their crim­i­nals, the peo­ple that won’t work, the men­tal­ly ill… we are get­ting the worse. We aren’t get­ting the best and bright­est. We are get­ting the mur­der­ers, crim­i­nals, cra­zies. 
  • Bor­der agent whistle­blow­ers accuse DHS of try­ing to dri­ve them to sui­cide for expos­ing major fail­ure. Leaked gov­ern­ment memo con­firms whistle­blow­ers were tar­get­ed by bor­der agency after expos­ing fed­er­al DNA col­lec­tion law was not fol­lowed for immi­gra­tion vio­la­tions. These whistle­blow­ers claim Amer­i­can deaths could have been pre­vent­ed. 
  • Kamala was in the room. Maybe she has been help­ing make the deci­sions. Don’t for­get you are going to hear that the DNC and RNC there has been an attempt to hack both of them. It will come back. Remem­ber crowd strike. They are start­ing to prep you that every­one is being hacked. 
  • RFK Jr is off the bal­lot in NY. They are ner­vous. A Kennedy on the bal­lot is trou­ble­some and it looks like Trump could win NY. 
  • Stel­lan­tis lay off 2450 fac­to­ry work­ers… gone
  • $3.9 Bil­lion work around to send to Ukraine. 
  • Kamala Har­ris and Joe Biden sent 87000 IRS agents after you. Har­ris copies Trump’s promise on no tax on tips. Is this the joke line of the day? Kamala can han­dle the econ­o­my bet­ter than Trump. Kamala is the tie break­ing vote that put us over the edge of spend­ing. 

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