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People Who Call Lawmakers & Investigate The Election Fraud Are Dangerous

  • Who was in charge of the crowd scenes? Who was in charge of hir­ing the actors. 
  • Elon Musk is a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy. Don­ald Trump is a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy. We the peo­ple who call our law­mak­ers and inves­ti­gate the elec­tion fraud are dan­ger­ous. The men and women who are off to work this morn­ing and do all they can to vol­un­teer in their com­mu­ni­ties. To the deep state it is dan­ger­ous that you say that there are ille­gals vot­ing. 
  • Waf­fle House John is the chair­man of the GA State Elec­tion Board. And Dr. Jan John­ston scares waf­fle house John. She is show­ing John a poster that we want put up in every precinct in GA that says only US Cit­i­zens vote. 
  • The only thing they can do now is steal the elec­tion. They have to do some­thing, come up with a new pan­dem­ic. 
  • Don­ald Trump is more dan­ger­ous than Putin. The dan­ger is you and I the peo­ple. 
  • When you hear Don­ald Trump say he will end the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and send it back to the states. If you want to take back the coun­try you need to take back the school sys­tem. 
  • They are afraid of Joe Rossi, he has demand­ed the cor­rec­tion in Mark Niesse arti­cle. They had to take “fraud hasn’t been found” off the arti­cle. Waf­fle House John is ner­vous because he has to stop this. 
  • Now the GA SEB will be vir­tu­al­ly mov­ing for­ward? It’s the peo­ple’s house in Atlanta! Are the peo­ple dan­ger­ous? 
  • The media is try­ing to tamp down the peo­ple and to scare peo­ple. Amer­i­ca is mad as hell and is not going to take it any­more. They are not going to take being in fear of ille­gals. And allow the gov­ern­ment to take over hotels and give it to ille­gals and give them food and mon­ey and allow them to get on the vot­er rolls to be able to vote in Novem­ber. 
  • Call your law­mak­ers to call Waf­fle House John, the Lt. Gov­er­nor, Speak­er of the House and the Governor’s office to say the peo­ple deserve to be in the meet­ings and deserve to par­tic­i­pate in the meet­ings and their voic­es being heard. It is a pub­lic meet­ing and it is sup­posed to be open to the peo­ple.

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