Home / National / $5B In NYC On Illegals, Could Double By 2025

$5B In NYC On Illegals, Could Double By 2025

  • Rush said they will always go back to the play­book. 
  • Who is run­ning the coun­try? Do not take your advice from Nik­ki Haley.
  • Kamala Har­ris is edit­ing news head­lines in her favor. But they won’t put an ad in the paper to pay $200 to hold a sign. They lie about every­thing. 
  • $5B in NYC. NYC migrant cri­sis costs will crack eye pop­ping $5B on shel­ters secu­ri­ty and food. The amount could dou­ble by 2025. 
  • School just start­ed around the coun­try. Every stu­dent has to have a clas­si­fi­ca­tion. When that stu­dent walks into the class­room, mon­ey walks into the class­room from the fed­er­al and state gov­ern­ment. Every­thing is based on the dol­lar. Ask your board of edu­ca­tion how many kids are reg­is­tered under 999 clas­si­fi­ca­tion and how many new ESL teach­ers have been hired in the school sys­tem. Every­time you hear the increased bud­get to the schools, and they keep adding to it and cheer­ing, it is for addi­tion­al ESL teach­ers and addi­tion­al ser­vices and needs for ille­gals. You have enough new ille­gals in your school sys­tems in GA that you had to put mil­lions in the school bud­get. Guess what these kids don’t have shot records and legal doc­u­men­ta­tion. Our law that they claim is con­sti­tu­tion­al is that we are to feed them, put them in our schools, and give them med­ical care… and if you do that you have to take care of mom and dad. Don’t for­get the ones that are crazy… the one’s pay­ing the bills. 
  • Walz said the teach­ers, nurs­es, state and local gov­ern­ments built this coun­try. The Union is strong, Amer­i­ca is strong. The nurs­es work­ing in the hos­pi­tals that the brick­lay­er built. The teach­ers are paid by the mon­ey from the tax­pay­ers and work in the build­ing that is built from bonds on the prop­er­ty from the tax­pay­ers who pay the brick­lay­er to build the build­ings. Can’t tell me Walz is not a social­ist. 

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