Home / Georgia / Paper Ballots For November Election Will Not Happen

Paper Ballots For November Election Will Not Happen

  • The Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank is in Jack­son Hole with Jerome Pow­ell. The Bank of UK is there too. High stakes at Jack­son HOle sym­po­sium as Pow­ell sur­veys US rocky prospects. Need to pay atten­tion to this. 
  • Yes­ter­day was the first day to request an absen­tee bal­lot. 
  • Sept 6 is the day to judge to rule on immu­ni­ty. Trump should have all the charges dis­missed. It should mean that all along Trump should be inno­cent. Then Sept 18 is when they could put Trump in jail. 
  • Har­ris’ cam­paign man­dates COVID 19 vac­cine for employ­ees. The DNC is a super­spread­er event, and won­der if every­one had to be up to date with their vac­cines. 
  • Planned Par­ent­hood has a mobile unit at the DNC. 
  • GA board rejects wide­spread use of paper bal­lots for Novem­ber elec­tion. The only way to get paper bal­lots in GA is if Jon Burns, Burt Jones, Bri­an Kemp, or Brad Raf­fensperg­er come out to say they are con­cerned about los­ing pow­er. There have been great groups of peo­ple that have the proof, but the 2020 elec­tion is a cold case file and until we have some­one with author­i­ty to pull the case off the shelf noth­ing will hap­pen. The State Elec­tion Board author­i­ty is lim­it­ed. The rea­son for the excite­ment is that with the State Elec­tion Board is because it is the only move­ment in the right direc­tion with­in the lim­it­ed author­i­ty. 
  • You have an elec­tion in Novem­ber. How are we going to win it? Not by break­ing up the band. Kim Brooks has attacked David Cross. David Cross fights for the truth. 

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