Home / National / We Don’t Attack Our GA Friends: Garland Favorito, David Cross, & Dr. Johnston

We Don’t Attack Our GA Friends: Garland Favorito, David Cross, & Dr. Johnston

  • In FL we had the hang­ing chad and we all know what hap­pened there. Karen Han­del used to be SOS and she ran for gov­er­nor. Karen los­es by 500 votes to Nathan Deal. Every­one want­ed a recount and the recount was the same. 
  • About 12 years ago Gar­land Favorito did a pre­sen­ta­tion on elec­tron­ic vot­ing machines. The diebold vot­ing machines will print out a reprint of the same tal­ly dur­ing a recount. Start pay­ing atten­tion to the Voter­GA. Gar­land starts fight­ing domin­ion and to change the vot­ing sys­tem. There are some amaz­ing peo­ple that have come through the ranks. Gar­land and Voter­GA have been want­i­ng to unplug GA for some time. 
  • Dr. John­ston on the State Elec­tion Board. We have recent­ly watched her move the fraud of Ful­ton Co over to the AG office. Mar­i­lyn Marks is a demo­c­rat. And any­time a demo­c­rat is work­ing on some­thing bipar­ti­san, it is a com­pro­mise for repub­li­cans.  Over and over you hear that Trump won on the machines and that it was the paper bal­lots (mail in bal­lots) where the cor­rup­tion could hap­pen. So it is not just the paper bal­lots, you have to have a secure sys­tem to go along with it. They are not pass­ing paper bal­lots. Regard­less of what we think, the courts are not going to side with us. The State Elec­tion Board has all the data points that the machines can­not alter votes. The only way it will change is if Jon Burns came out to do a press con­fer­ence and say that they have enough rep­re­sen­ta­tives that are con­cerned about not being elect­ed. Or if Lt Gov Burt Jones has sen­a­tors that are con­cerned about not being elect­ed if they don’t change the vot­ing sys­tem to paper bal­lots. Bri­an Kemp came to the podi­um to say they could lose con­trol with­out the paper bal­lots. Or if Raf­fensperg­er says that we need to go to paper bal­lots to secure our elec­tion. YOu are mis­guid­ed accord­ing to Raf­fensperg­er. 
  • Trump high­light­ed Dr. John­ston. Trump has said same day elec­tions and secure paper bal­lots. Deb­bie Doo­ley attacks Dr. John­ston. Deb­bie wants the paper bal­lot ini­tia­tive with Mar­i­lyn Marks. 
  • Vot­er GA goes through the point by point plan of what they want to do. Deb­bie Doo­ley attacks Gar­land Favorito and Voter­GA. 
  • Remem­ber Deb­bie Doo­ley sup­port­ed Jason Thomp­son and she went after Jason Fra­zier and David Cross who have been paper bal­lot sup­port­ers. Jason Thomp­son is the one that has fam­i­ly mem­bers that are being paid by the SOS office. 
  • MAGA we need Deb­bie out of the way. We don’t attack our friends, Gar­land Favorito, David Cross, and Dr. John­ston. 
  • There Sur­ro­gates every­where: Whit­mer for MI, Coons in DE, Kel­ly for AZ to talk about immi­gra­tion, Beshear for KY to talk about unions. Kamala doesn’t have to go. The democ­rats are in lock­step. 
  • Who do we get? Lind­sey Gra­ham. Oth­ers talk crap about Trump, like Nik­ki Haley and Karl Rove. our peo­ple just want to advise Trump and where do they go? Fox news. It looks like since July Trump was up 4 over Biden and now Har­ris is up 11 for inde­pen­dents. Our peo­ple talk trash. 
  • Trump’s pit bulls on the GA elec­tion board face new pres­sure. It is time to start the vot­ing process in GA and you think they are going to change the rule. GA repub­li­cans lay ground­work to oppose cer­ti­fy­ing the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. The democ­rats are build­ing a wall around the fortress in Ful­ton Coun­ty. Cathay Woolard files an ethics com­plaint against the 3 GOP mem­bers of the State Elec­tion Board in GA, accus­ing them of maneu­ver­ing to advance their own polit­i­cal pref­er­ence. 
  • Why do we always get Lind­sey Gra­ham? And is the fix already in? 

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