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GA Has November To Win, Then Start Stopping The Blocks In 2026

  • Geor­gia lies. Raf­fensperg­er will not get arrest­ed. There are peo­ple that like to whoop up the emo­tion and tell that he will get arrest­ed for the laws bro­ken in 2020. Raf­fensperg­er did things in 2020 that should have been done in the leg­is­la­ture. 
  • Before the 2020 elec­tion we had the con­sent decree with Mark Elias and we don’t know how it took place. We don’t know if Bri­an Kemp signed it. There are bat­tles that need to be con­tin­ued to be fought. David Ral­ston said that what Brad Raf­fensperg­er did was leg­isla­tive and did not have the right to change the elec­tion. There was a big issue that Raf­fen­speger crossed the line in ear­ly 2020 because he sent out an absen­tee bal­lot to every­one. 
  • Dur­ing COVID we laid on Bri­an Kem­p’s desk, an EO of mar­shall law. We gave the Kemp dic­ta­tor­ship pow­er in March 2020. Gov­er­nors across the coun­try dic­ta­tor pow­er and they kept renew­ing it. Brad Raf­fensperg­er claimed he was mak­ing the deci­sions under emer­gency order. Why would a gov­er­nor declare a state of emer­gency? To allow coun­ties to access state resources and help with­in the coun­ty. In COVID we gave Bri­an Kemp a state of emer­gency and made him a dic­ta­tor. Raf­fensperg­er used the state of emer­gency that Kemp bestowed on him.  
  • We have to change what hap­pened with COVID on every­thing. We can nev­er give Bri­an Kemp that kind of dic­ta­tor­ship again. No one says, what if Mon­key­pox hap­pens and the GA state leg­is­la­ture gives Kemp dic­ta­tor­ship again and Raf­fensperg­er throws every­thing out the win­dow because it is a State of Emer­gency. 
  • Lead­ing up to the elec­tion Bri­an Kemp had pow­ers that he should have nev­er had and Raf­fensperg­er used those same pow­ers that Kemp gave him. Raf­fensperg­er is not going to jail. This was all allowed to be put in place. 
  • You are not get­ting paper bal­lots. They will not be used in an emer­gency because the machines have an error, that is based on a law in GA. Mon­day they had a press con­fer­ence at the Capi­tol. The Cit­i­zens have declared a State of Emer­gency, but it wasn’t just 3 weeks ago. We didn’t fight the bat­tles back in 2020 and we allowed SB202. Did a mem­ber of the state leg­is­la­ture go to the podi­um to back the cit­i­zens up to say some­thing has to be done. The cit­i­zens do have evi­dence, crim­i­nal evi­dence that data analy­sis prov­ing that the 2020 elec­tion was stolen from the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The 2020 elec­tion is a cold case file. The per­son that could pull it open is AG Chris Carr and he will not touch the 2020 elec­tion file. 
  • After Novem­ber, the 2026 elec­tion cycle starts. That is when we need to change the make­up of the cor­rup­tion at the state lev­el so we can fix things.  
  • GA elec­tion direc­tors call for pause in cre­at­ing new rules. The SEB accept new steps in cer­ti­fy­ing the elec­tion results. The elec­tion boards across the state are request­ing a pause. Every sin­gle rule that they are try­ing to put in place, that is just com­mon sense, what do you hear as the argu­ment. These are process­es that should be han­dled under the leg­is­la­ture. A rule can not go out­side the scope of the elec­tion law. These rules are ok. The state has had 4 years to cor­rect. And there is not a state of emer­gency. Raf­fensperg­er is say­ing the rules are being imple­ment­ed at the 11th hour by unelect­ed bureau­crats. The rea­son there are 500+ at these meet­ings is because no elect­ed offi­cials are lis­ten­ing. The only out­let is the SEB. The pres­sure is on the SEB. 
  • AG Chris Carr sends a let­ter say­ing that he doesn’t care about the Ful­ton Co 2020 elec­tion. He will not be open­ing a case say­ing the SEB doesn’t have a right to instruct his office. They have built a wall around Ful­ton Coun­ty. Waf­fle House John told you not to do it. The Gov­er­nor is telling you not to do it. Joe Rossi case is not going any­where. 
  • Deb­bie Doo­ley is still attack­ing Dr. Jan­ice John­ston. 
  • We have Novem­ber to win. And we need to go in 2026 to remove all the blocks we have today. 
  • What can you accom­plish today? They still want to put Ryan Ger­many as a mon­i­tor for Ful­ton Co, who has the same mon­i­tors that ran the elec­tion in Ful­ton Co in 2020. 
  • The elec­tion cycle has start­ed.

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