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GA Democrats And Republicans Working Together To Get Kamala Elected

  • They are using dif­fer­ent things around the state to get out the Oba­ma vote. The AJC, Bri­an Kemp and the GA GOP have played a role in it. 
  • The Bla­tant Bull­Shi* of Geor­gia. 
  • Stan Gunter is the 8th Dis­trict State House in Union Coun­ty and is the chair of the state house judi­cia­ry com­mit­tee. Remem­ber the bills go through the judi­cia­ry com­mit­tee. If a state house repub­li­can stands up gets beat­en down. Jon Burns is not a repub­li­can. The study com­mit­tees they get paid to be at meet­ings. Union coun­ty will go about 75% for Trump. Last night Stan Gunter went to a BBQ fundrais­er for Lamar Paris who is a demo­c­rat, he paid for the din­ner. Repub­li­cans have a can­di­date on the bal­lot for Union Co Com­mis­sion­er. And the repub­li­can for the 8th dis­trict is at a fundrais­er for the demo­c­rat run­ning against the repub­li­can. Where is Jon Burns, did he call Stan Gunter ask­ing what he is doing at a demo­c­rat fundrais­er when there is a repub­li­can on the bal­lot? 
  • Gabe Ster­ling tweet­ed out on Aug 25 that we have the most secure elec­tions in the world. Remem­ber the machines have not been upgrad­ed and it has been proven that they can be hacked but we are excelling. This is the same SOS in GA that the new rules are an over­reach. But we are more secure than in 18, 20, 22. 
  • Then we get a rah, rah, rah… Kemp will attend a fundrais­er but will not meet him at the air­port. And Kemp mes­sage for 2024 is Trump has no path to the WH with­out GA. While TX has Abbot who has purged over a mil­lion inel­i­gi­ble vot­ers. Our gov­er­nor does not uphold the elec­tion rules. He will not sup­port the 3 mem­bers that are get­ting sued.  Elec­tion integri­ty is cen­tered on our democ­ra­cy. We know that ille­gals are reg­is­tered to vote in GA and have already vot­ed. We have bloat­ed vot­er rolls in GA. We already know that. 
  • What is tak­ing place in GA with all the evi­dence and the SEB elec­tion rules. 
  • Burt Jones pulled off a polit­i­cal stunt yes­ter­day. Every­one got paid to be there for the spe­cial com­mit­tee meet­ing yes­ter­day. Won­der if any of the stunt will go into the cam­paign for gov­er­nor in 2026. A cou­ple of years ago we were fight­ing the boys going into the wom­en’s lock­er room. Burt Jones is a fence walk­er. Where was he years ago when we were fight­ing this fight? Repub­li­cans bragged that they pro­tect­ed women’s sports. The bill that was passed did not pro­tect women’s sports by defer­ring the right to the GHSA to make a rule on the issue. The prob­lem is that the GHSA is an appoint­ed board by the gov­er­nor. The GHSA rule was writ­ten if there is a com­plaint, it only upholds the school for say­ing yes or no. 
  • The GA state sen­ate did attempt to pro­tect women’s sports. But Jon Burns in the state house is demo­c­rat con­trolled. 
  • Burt Jones should have called out the State House and Jon Burns for not step­ping up and pass­ing leg­is­la­tion that the Sen­ate has passed. 

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