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The Georgia Mass Shooting Changed The Direction Of The Debate

  • No one can talk to Kamala. She can’t be chal­lenged. She will not be in a posi­tion to be chal­lenged. Next Tues­day night, the mass shoot­ing has changed the direc­tion of the debate. This is exact­ly what they need­ed to be in place in GA. Geor­gia is tied, recent­ly polling says that Trump is doing good with white men. Trump is hav­ing a prob­lem with women. Kamala is surg­ing with women. Pol­i­tics is a bil­lion dol­lar indus­try. 2 chil­dren are dead. It’s bad, but if a bomb drops and kills chil­dren in a hos­pi­tal, Kamala doesn’t care. Thou­sands have died in Ukraine because we staged a coup and allowed Rus­sia to roll into Ukraine, all these peo­ple that vot­ed yes to con­tin­ue to send the mon­ey in Ukraine don’t care how many get killed. One day how many get killed as long as you are pro­tect­ing our inter­est abroad, but yes­ter­day 2 chil­dren died is the issue. 
  • The issue for women is abor­tion and your chil­dren are safe. The num­ber one cause of death for chil­dren in the US is guns. Too many things have been unveiled and brought out and how they have genet­i­cal­ly altered your chil­dren. We don’t know what is going on in our chil­dren and their chem­i­cal imbal­ance. They have turned your kids into an expe­ri­ence for total con­trol. 
  • Remem­ber guns are not a prob­lem. 
  • They need women in fear of putting their chil­dren on the school bus this morn­ing. They need to let you know you can abort that child and that you can pro­tect your chil­dren from guns. 
  • Kamala Har­ris picks a hunter, a guy that wears a camo hat. A guy that has guns and teach­ing in school. How con­ve­nient that you have a run­ning mate that has guns, teach­es in schools, loves kids, and has had a change of heart. Tim Walz went from the high­est rat­ing in the NRA to an F because of his change of heart for the kids safe­ty. Kamala in the band room in GA. Walz talk­ing to high school stu­dents. And Yes­ter­day an attack killed 2 kids and 2 teach­ers in Geor­gia. 
  • Here is what we have done in Amer­i­ca… In the old days, kinder­garten was option­al. Mom was there after school. Now we cre­at­ed an econ­o­my that required 2 incomes. And wouldn’t it be great that the schools took kids at 3 and kids got break­fast at school and there were after school pro­grams. And they can keep them until 6 pm. They will not take your gun, but they will take your kids. They will come inspect your gun safe and it will either be the guns or your kids. There are mech­a­nisms in place DFACS to take your kids. We have cheered it along because there are kids that are in very bad sit­u­a­tions. Now if you don’t sup­port the chil­dren, they will take your child. 

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