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We Don’t Expect The Media To Show Trump In A Positive Light

  • Yes­ter­day Trump went to Long Island. We don’t expect the media to show Trump in a pos­i­tive light. Trump is cor­rect on Spring­field OH and Auro­ra CO, that is Amer­i­ca. This is not Detroit, Philly, Chica­go, Atlanta, Hous­ton, Den­ver, LA. This is sub­ur­ban Amer­i­ca. What Trump has done in a bril­liant way, he brings into focus is Amer­i­ca. Spring­field OH is any­where in Amer­i­ca. Auro­ra CO in your back­yard. 
  • Low­er infla­tion so every­one can afford a home, a car and gro­ceries. You get a tax cut. How dare you want your mon­ey. Kamala wants to have so many spend­ing pack­ages that will come back to the pock­et­book of Amer­i­cans. Trump says no more tax­es on Over­time, on Social Secu­ri­ty, on Tips. Three areas for low income Amer­i­cans. The deep state doesn’t want you to have your mon­ey, you are the back­bone of the debt. You are the back­bone of the debt, you are the back­bone of fund­ing cor­rupt politi­cians allow­ing the gov­ern­ment to exist. No tax­es on OT who does that effect? The work­er in the man­u­fac­tur­ing plant, if there is no tax­es OT does that mean the plant match is elim­i­nat­ed too? 
  • Trump will end the elec­tric man­date on cars… the UAW. Is that why an EV project man­ag­er with Hyundai does­n’t want to hear that. 
  • They want to remind you that Trump was sup­posed to be in a court­room. The may­or of Spring­field doesn’t want Trump to come because it would be an extreme strain on resources. But they know the claims are real and a real strain on resources. 
  • Inter­nal polling in the Har­ris cam­paign, this must be real­ly hurt­ing. They are polling Spring­field and it is true and they know it. Kamala used 2 pro­grams to keep the haitians 
  • The pagers — Amer­i­ca is involved. How do we know… the quick denial. How do they get to Israel and then get plant­ed to Helzbal­ah? They are pulling us into WW# as fast as they can. How did our state depart­ment pull this off? HOw about that lie that not a sin­gle Amer­i­can in Ukraine. Seis­mic activ­i­ty detect­ed after Ukrain­ian drone strike. Har­ris expect­ed to meet with Zelin­sky next week. 
  • Rus­sia will not lose this war. They will freeze the ukraini­ans this win­ter. Rus­sia will con­tin­ue to dis­man­tle their pow­er sources. 
  • Fund­ing will run out Oct 1. They are work­ing on a clean spend­ing res­o­lu­tion. 
  • The .5 point inter­est rate reduc­tion. The first in 4 years. Trump sends a clear mes­sage to the fed­er­al reserve.

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