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What Happens If Kamala Wins, We Are Stuck In War

  • GA is the land of elec­tion integri­ty grifters. There are good peo­ple that have worked very hard to do every­thing to secure our elec­tions. If you want to make a sol­id change in GA, it will be 2026. We have to save GA in 2026. We can­not allow bad can­di­dates. The per­son that gets plant­ed in your group so they can report back to the estab­lish­ment on what you are doing. 
  • What oth­er coun­try do you have Gov Josh Shapiro and Sen Bob Casey with Zelen­sky to endorse Kamala Har­ris. We want war. Zelen­sky is the cus­tomer for the war­heads in the PA plant. The US expect­ed to announce bil­lions in Ukraine aid. Zelen­sky has bet­ter secu­ri­ty than Don­ald Trump. We are in WW3. 
  • Chi­na fires ICBM in first pub­lic test in decades in the South Chi­na Sea. Comes as Rus­sia and Chi­na con­duct joint naval exer­cis­es off the coast of Japan. 
  • When WW3 was set off in motion by Biden and Har­ris, When every­thing was hap­pen­ing after Oct 7. When you see the aid going into GAZA for the starv­ing peo­ple of Gaza. Do you, who has a mil­i­tary base in Syr­ia, Israeli mis­siles inter­cept­ed over Syr­i­an port city, host a Russ­ian navy. 
  • They are try­ing to get us to attack Iran. What hap­pens if Kamala wins, we are stuck in war. 

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