Are You Ready For When Your Government Leaves You Stranded?
- Telegram outages in many countries. BOA customers reporting widespread outages with zero balances, Verizon has massive outages. But they hate Elon Musk.
- CNN was only able to find the government, the governor’s office, FEMA command center, they only came upon a FEMA employee. These reports are staged to alter the reality. They do not highlight a civilian team on horseback. There are citizens searching for their neighbors. You will see private helicopters.
- Are you ready for when your government leaves you stranded?
- FEMA can not come in and set up a command center. They have to bring in the locals to set up search and rescue.
- These people don’t have flood insurance. They don’t live in a hurricane area. It is the last thing they think about. We should not be saying tough luck.
- It is time for Ukraine to take care of Ukraine, South America take care of South America and get these illegals out of here. It is time to take care of your neighbor.