Home / Opinion / “Deliver the Truth Whatever the Cost!” Gen. Flynn, The Debate and Other Issues

“Deliver the Truth Whatever the Cost!” Gen. Flynn, The Debate and Other Issues


Tues­day night, 01Oct 24, was the orga­nized three against one debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, con­tend­ing can­di­dates for Vice Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States for their respec­tive par­ty’s. CBS, one of the Demo­c­rat par­ty’s rad­i­cal pro­pa­gan­da arms stands deter­mined to ensure no dam­age was done to the Left­ist agen­da or Gov­er­nor Walz. “Truth is not a Left­ist val­ue!” The media will do what­ev­er it takes to stop Don­ald Trump and MAGA Amer­i­cans attempts to main­tain Amer­i­ca as a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic.

The strug­gle goes on because also on 01Oct24, I attend­ed a huge gath­er­ing of sev­er­al hun­dred MAGA Repub­li­cans in Gainesville, Ga. to meet, greet and lis­ten to Lt. Gen­er­al Mike Fly­nn, an ear­ly vic­tim of the crush­ing Left­ist polit­i­cal machine that for­mer pres­i­dent Barak Oba­ma launched against both the can­di­da­cy and the admin­is­tra­tion of Don­ald Trump. Fly­nn had to be tak­en out.

At an ear­li­er lun­cheon on Tues­day in the Gen­er­als hon­or held at the Gainesvilles Amer­i­can Legion Post, to a slight­ly small­er crowd, the Gen­er­al, remark­ing on Amer­i­ca’s pre­pared­ness or lack there­of, fre­quent­ly refer­ring to his cell phone device on the floor between his feet, announced to the assem­bled group that “while we are speak­ing, Iran just launched mis­siles on Israel” and that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ments response to hur­ri­cane Helene’s dam­age to the Car­oli­nas and North Geor­gia, was too slow or near non exis­tent as Joe Biden had checked out and VP Kam-a-la was fund rais­ing in tin­sel­town (word choice and empha­sis mine). He stat­ed “They came after him first” and, they’re com­ing after us now.

As it hap­pened, the Gainesville MA-GA event end­ed just as the Vance — Walz, CBS debate got under­way so, on my dri­ve home, I was able to attend­ed both. After lis­ten­ing to Gen­er­al Fly­n­n’s remarks and then the debate, what became immi­nent­ly clear, apart from the incom­pe­tence of the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion, was that Amer­i­ca will nev­er regain its posi­tion as a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic of free and inde­pen­dent cit­i­zen’s unshack­led from gov­ern­ment apron strings so long as the main stream media is allowed to cor­rupt their 1st Amend­ment role as Amer­i­c­as “fourth estate” and take sides against Amer­i­ca and its cause. Because of the Con­sti­tu­tion, the media can’t be stopped as such, but they can be har­nessed. The­o­ret­i­cal­ly, the media isn’t sup­posed to have a dog in the fight but clear­ly they do. It’s noth­ing new, they always have but its was always for Amer­i­ca not the new polit­i­cal con­cept of a New World Order,  a col­lec­tive of go along to get along cit­i­zens uncon­cerned about their the coun­try’s role as the “shin­ing City on the Hill.” They have tak­en sides against the cause of Amer­i­c­as con­sti­tu­tion in a deter­mined effort, through slan­der, lies false­hoods and inac­cu­rate fact checks, to make sure their side or their can­di­date, does not lose to any issues sup­port­ed by the truth.

The Left­ist mod­er­a­tors of the Vance vs Walz debate per­formed as expect­ed, three against one: Sen. JD Vance against Norah O’Donnell, Mar­garet Bren­nen and Min­neso­ta Gov. Tim Walz. Also unsur­pris­ing­ly Gov. Walz as expect­ed, was unpre­pared and it showed as he was eas­i­ly out maneu­vered by the unflap­pable, artic­u­late and knowl­edgable on issues, Sen. Vance who ran roughshod over the Gov for the entire evening whilst Bren­nan and O’Donnell, smug with their con­tempt for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Vance, attempt­ed to swat away the truths. Their explic­it bias was clear when they tried to defend Walz on his lega­cy issues and cer­tain Demo­c­rat poli­cies he espoused with­out appear­ing to be tak­ing sides. Sen. Vance saw through that manip­u­la­tion and wasn’t hav­ing any of it even though they cut off his micro­phone when he chal­lenged their pho­ny “fact checks.”

Har­ris’ choice of Walz as her run­ning mate must, in hind­sight, be seen by the NSDVP polit­i­cal machin­ery, to be kind, as a gross mis­judg­ment, like mak­ing her first trip to the bor­der wear­ing 65K worth of jew­el­ry or attend­ing a gala fund rais­er among Hol­ly­wood elites as Hur­ri­cane Helene wrecked hav­oc over the South-East USA. Oh, the deci­sions, deci­sions. The prob­lem is, the Demo­c­rat par­ty (NSDVP) is pret­ty cer­tain their base will cling to tra­di­tion because they know in real­i­ty, enough of the mass­es are con­tent with illu­sions, not the truth. They know to not dis­turb their slum­ber lest the herd of sleep­ing sheep awak­en and tram­ple them to death by their fear. Gen­er­al Fly­n­n’s mes­sage is: “Deliv­er the Truth What­ev­er The Cost!”  His con­tin­ued pres­ence is still a clear and present dan­ger to the Deep State appa­ra­tus that is work­ing over­time to push Amer­i­ca, even kick­ing and scream­ing, into the “New World Order.” I high­ly rec­om­mend tap­ping in: www.WatchFlynn.com on your com­put­er and upon the prompt, enter the code: OCGFBZL6 and watch the movie on any device. Time is run­ning out!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, get pre­pared. They will be com­ing for us if they win on 05Nov24. (03Oct24)

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