Home / Georgia / Judge McBurney Killed Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill, NOW Oversees The SEB Rules Case

Judge McBurney Killed Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill, NOW Oversees The SEB Rules Case

  • It will be earth shat­ter­ing if McAfee comes through in rul­ing against the machines. But the ques­tion is how will the peo­ple vote in the dev­as­tat­ed areas from Hur­ri­cane Helene. 
  • Yes­ter­day you had the heart­beat bill. Today we have 22 weeks. The judge that struck down the six week heart­beat bill was McBur­ney. He was also the judge on the GA RICO Grand Jury case. McBur­ney is now rul­ing on the rules of the State Elec­tion Board, the same rules that SOS Raf­fensperg­er said were mis­guid­ed. Legal coun­sel also said that he is unsure if they have the legal abil­i­ty to pass. These are the rules that the demo­c­rat filed suits over. McBur­ney changed abor­tion, presided over the spe­cial grand jury and is now look­ing at the rules this close to an elec­tion. 
  • Remem­ber the rule that they tabled track­ing absen­tee bal­lots. 
  • NA repub­li­cans freak out over a hung naked Trump. 
  • Joe Biden just got off the beach.
  • Franklin Gra­ham was with Don­ald Trump in Val­dos­ta GA. 
  • Today is Tues­day. Kamala went to FEMA for a pho­to op. 
  • Kemp prais­es Biden’s Hur­ri­cane Helene response amid Trump crit­i­cism. We will watch Kemp wrap­ping his arms around Biden and Kamala. 
  • Tonight is the debate. Do you think they will dis­cuss the dev­as­ta­tion? Do you think they will dis­cuss the mil­i­tary drills in the south Chi­na Sea? The dis­put­ed areas are the man made islands that Oba­ma and Biden allowed Chi­na to build. 
  • There are not any hostages left in Gaza. On Oct 7, 2023 BKP left, you know wait until the attacks spread to Lebanon and Demas­cus. The US has 43K troops in the area. These are real­ly great hot spots for the war­mon­gers. 
  • Pete Rose is dead. 
  • The debate: they are eat­ing the dogs and abor­tion abor­tion abor­tion.

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