Home / Georgia / Kemp Will Be Able To Take The First Victory

Kemp Will Be Able To Take The First Victory

  • Pol­i­tics is a tril­lion dol­lar indus­try that pro­duces crim­i­nals. 
  • Trump is com­ing to GA and he is going to get a pic­ture with Kemp. This is for Kemp. There is an upside for the Trump cam­paign. In GA it is not about 2024. Then we have the vic­to­ry lap, and Kemp will be able to take the first vic­to­ry lap and do donuts on the elec­tion integri­ty peo­ple because the elec­tion they don’t need to steal is 2024. It is 2026 they will have to steal. 
  • Don­ald Trump is going back to But­ler PA to fin­ish the speech. He was only 6–7 min­utes into the speech. Elon is going with him, Star­link. You would have zero infor­ma­tion about the hur­ri­cane dam­age and response with­out Star­link. Elon cre­at­ed the com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Star­link and X. 
  • They have to stop us. If you have new peo­ple in the room and peo­ple start­ing to act fun­ny.. As ques­tions. They are in your rooms act­ing like you and report­ing back.

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