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Why Is Oakland A’s Leaving, The Crime.

  • Kamala is head­ed to the bor­der today. 
  • Oak­land A’s play their final game in Oak­land. 
  • Trump is always dis­cussing the dev­as­ta­tion. This move is dev­as­tat­ing the com­mu­ni­ty. 
  • Kamala Har­ris jour­ney from Oak­land to the White House. Oat­land is the birth­place of the Black Pan­ther par­ty. Trump likes to tell you that Kamala has destroyed San Fran­cis­co. The only thing that con­nects Oak­land to SF is the bridge. Oak­land has lost all of the pro­fes­sion­al sports teams. Remem­ber the Oak­land Raiders. Oak­land at one time was an amaz­ing city. It has been destroyed. The A’s are going to Sacra­men­to to play in a minor league field while their sta­di­um is being built in Las Vegas. 
  • They brag that Kamala is the only one that has pros­e­cut­ed the gangs. Why is Oak­land A’s leav­ing, the crime. 
  • 10 year old: one word for Kamala Har­ris — Liar

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