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Kamala Harris Is A Disaster

  • Kamala Har­ris is a dis­as­ter. The cam­paign is falling apart. She ascend­ed to the nom­i­na­tion. Remem­ber when Oba­ma said Joe can F things up. Why did they let Joe hang around? Kamala Har­ris made the deal with the deep state com­mit­tee. Nan­cy Pelosi told Joe you have to go. YOU don’t over­throw the gov­ern­ment and not put the leader in the dun­geon. He can call a press con­fer­ence or shuf­fle into the press room. Joe is stab­bing Kamala in the back with the unions. If it wasn’t for the deep state Kamala Har­ris would not have been put on the tick­et. 
  • Kim Jong Un threat­ens to nuke Amer­i­ca and South Korea as he ramps up hos­til­i­ties ahead of the US elec­tion. Does he just want to make some head­lines? 
  • While Kamala is doing his media blitz. Joe is doing unan­nounced press con­fer­ences. Kamala was nev­er sup­posed to sit for any inter­views. The best thing to hap­pen for repub­li­cans and Amer­i­ca was for the pub­lic to see her. The deep state was bet­ter off for no one to see her. 
  • Who is pay­ing the price today for pick­ing Tim Walz? 
  • If all else fails, break glass and yell Rus­sia Kamala doesn’t have the path to 270.

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