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Kamala Harris Never Had A Pathway To Win, History Says

  • Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign is implod­ing. The worst mis­take they made was allow­ing Joe Biden to live. 
  • Elec­tion integri­ty is Geor­gia has got­ten tough because of the amount of grifters. The last time a sit­ting pres­i­dent was able to sup­port and move the ball for­ward for the vice pres­i­dent. Rea­gan was so pop­u­lar that George H was able to get elect­ed because of the pop­u­lar­i­ty of Rea­gan. George H did not win re-elec­tion. Al Gore could not win from the Clin­ton admin­is­tra­tion which result­ed in George W. 
  • In GA they don’t have to steal the 2024 elec­tion. It is 2026 when Raf­fensperg­er will try to be the next gov­er­nor and Bri­an Kemp will try to be the next sen­a­tor. It is the vot­ing sys­tem they need to have in place for 2026. In the Hal­der­man report the machines can­not be cor­rect­ed. There is a rea­son Judge Toten­berg’s case has not been decid­ed. It is not about the encryp­tion keys but it does dis­cuss the domin­ion machines and the Hal­der­man report that the machines can be hacked. With­out her judg­ment, McAfee was not going to make a judg­ment on a one day case. 
  • They need to allow Trump to win, then what does the elec­tion integri­ty peo­ple go con­cern­ing the machines. All Kemp has to do is go into 2026 do the patch­es on the machines and take the QR code then what? 
  • All machines can be manip­u­lat­ed. They all have encryp­tion keys. PA coun­ty promis­es accu­rate tal­ly after cler­i­cal error appears to flip votes for judges. Vot­ing machines in one PA coun­try flip votes for judges and errors to be fixed in tab­u­la­tion. 
  • There is a rea­son why Brad Raf­fensperg­er is telling the coun­ty elec­tion offices not to wor­ry about the rules because they are in the court sys­tem. The rules are to make sure the # papers match the poll pads and vote at machines. The rule will not catch if the machine flips the vote. 
  • Remem­ber in GA we have had 4 years for Raf­fensperg­er to patch. They stole the 2020 elec­tion and they have to try to fig­ure out how to do it again because Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign is implod­ing and Trump will win in a land­slide. 
  • The law in GA has been so com­pro­mised that emer­gency paper bal­lots should be imple­ment­ed. These are still the same machines, they can flip votes and alter the out­come.


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