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The Plant Explosion in Rockdale County Georgia

  • Sept 27 there was a plant explo­sion in Rock­dale coun­ty GA. There is some­thing about this orange plume that is con­cern­ing. Cit­i­zens and busi­ness­es sur­round­ing the area were evac­u­at­ed and are still not allowed to go in yet. It was a build­ing that has chem­i­cals that when they come in con­tact with water they explode. There is a sprin­kler sys­tem over­head and when the plant caught on fire they put water on it and made it worse. Offi­cials have been sketchy on what was in the plant. The only thing they have is that there was chlo­rine at the plant. There are 3rd par­ty inves­ti­ga­tors that are gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion and will have some data on what is in the air. The same 3rd par­ty inves­ti­ga­tor is the same that over­saw the inves­ti­ga­tion of East Pales­tine, OH. 
  • For the fore­see­able future no busi­ness­es are able to oper­ate with­in the evac zone, they only have 2 hours with­in an appoint­ment time to get into the busi­ness­es. 
  • What does the bio­lab do? Told that they man­u­fac­ture chem­i­cals for pools and clean­ing agents. No updates from the state on the cleanup. The Coast Guard and EPA have tak­en over. 
  • As of today no high rank­ing offi­cial has vis­it­ed or made a state­ment about the explo­sion in Rock­dale Co. With every­thing that hap­pened in East Pales­tine as being the worst in US his­to­ry. The chem­i­cals that burned at this plant are 6x more than in East Pales­tine. For a week there was a whole coun­ty shel­ter in place. As of now there is a 2 mile radius shel­ter in place between 7pm to 7am. Res­i­dents have been allowed back in their homes. 
  • Inde­pen­dent study is expect­ed in 2 weeks.

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