Home / Georgia / This Election Is Being Set Up As A Very Successful Election In Georgia

This Election Is Being Set Up As A Very Successful Election In Georgia

  • CBS embroiled in anoth­er edit­ing scan­dal as Speak­er Mike John­son accus­es the net­work of decep­tive­ly cut­ting his answer. Mike John­son taped his inter­view on Face the Nation and released the unedit­ed answer. We know what CBS did on the 60 min­utes on Trump and Kamala. Now edit­ing Mike Johnson’s answer. Tonight Kamala will be on Fox News Bret Baier. We know that the tape will be edit­ed “for tim­ing and will be edi­to­ri­al­ly the same ques­tion and answer” giv­ing Kamala a plat­form. 
  • Trump was in GA last night. Telling you to go vote as soon as you can. 300K votes cast on the first day of GA vot­ing.  This elec­tion is being set up as a very suc­cess­ful elec­tion. Brad Raf­fensperg­er held a press con­fer­ence on ear­ly vot­ing in GA. If Trump wins in GA, Raf­fensperg­er could be the next gov­er­nor of GA. When Trump wins in a land­slide in GA, what are you going to fight? What will be your argu­ment?
  • The GA rule case was set up to be in court on the day of ear­ly vot­ing. You nev­er had a chance with the rules. But the con­cern is chain of cus­tody, but not on mail in bal­lots. BTW, the USPS got high marks on mail in bal­lots. Last week when McBur­ney stood up and had every­one agree that the elec­tion had to be cer­ti­fied by Nov 12 and no one would do any­thing that would delay the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. 
  • What kind of deal was made between Kemp and Trump? 
  • Ed Lind­sey, the lob­by­ist on the state elec­tion board should have been removed a long time ago. Jen­nelle King was put in place at a cer­tain time by speak­er of the house Jon Burns it stirred a lot of emo­tions. It almost looked real. Then you have Rick Jef­fers appoint­ed by Burt Jones and he was not there on the crit­i­cal day need­ed to vote and after that it seems like he showed up at the right time.. It all looked good. Then you have the peo­ple that are say­ing they did every­thing they could, maybe they knew what the court would do. 
  • What if Brad Raf­fensperg­er becomes the next gov­er­nor of GA? They don’t have to steal 2024. The real game is for 2026. 

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