Home / National / Joe Biden Is Sending 425M More For Ukraine

Joe Biden Is Sending 425M More For Ukraine

  • Joe Biden is approv­ing 425M more for Ukraine. While Amer­i­cans are still stuff­ing from Hur­ri­canes in the south east. 
  • The real elec­tion integri­ty peo­ple that have worked hard to get rules in place for this elec­tion. We have had some amaz­ing peo­ple put on our coun­ty elec­tion boards. In The GA GOP State elec­tion task force, The very first meet­ing, David Cross asked to chair the task force to remove Brad Carv­er as chair. 
  • In AZ. AZ lawyers keep dis­tance from GOP  elec­tion integri­ty oper­a­tion amid con­cern over Kari Lake’s fraud claims. There are no lawyers pre­pared to defend Kari Lake’s claims. One of her lawyers is being attacked. When you bring peo­ple to rep­re­sent you to your state you have to have a local coun­cil to file the suits. WE need to find out who our local coun­cil is in GA. Let’s hope it is not Brad Carv­er and Josh McK­oon. 
  • Trump is the king to get you to google some­thing. 
  • Yes­ter­day some­one added an auto over the video clip of Biden and Oba­ma at the Kennedy funer­al but it seems it was not far from the truth. The post hired some peo­ple to ana­lyze the video. Biden tells Oba­ma she is not as strong as me. And ex prez agrees. That’s true” at Kennedy ser­vice. Trump says that Biden needs to get back on the tick­et. If Biden and Nan­cy were tru­ly behind Kamala, Joe would have a pic­ture with Kamala in the oval office. The media would be boost­ing the pic­ture. 
  • The rea­son Trump said what he said is because he knows that Biden is real­ly angry about what hap­pened. 
  • Kamala doesn’t show up to the Al Smith din­ner. Nei­ther does Tim Walz. 
  • Tim Walz and Bill Clin­ton to cam­paign in North Car­oli­na. 
  • Do you trust BiBI. Yahya Sin­war is dead, the Hamas leader that ochas­trat­ed Oct 7 attack. 
  • Rus­sia — Ukraine would turn into world war with North Kore­an troops, Zelesnky warns. Will it turn the con­flict into world war? Remem­ber North Korea send­ing 10K troops might be the back­door to give the green light to send long range weapons into Rus­sia. Remem­ber Putin said that long range weapons into Rus­sia will give the OK for nuclear weapons from Rus­sia. Zelen­sky wants nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Rus­sia will not let Zelen­sky join NATO or get nuclear weapons. Zelen­sky gives the west an ulti­ma­tum. He is his own lit­tle rock­et man. 
  • What hap­pens after the elec­tion>? 
  • Trump to be inter­viewed by The Under­tak­er this week in a shock appear­ance on WWE legend’s pod­cast.
  • For­mer GOP rep Char­lie Dent vot­ed for Kamala Har­ris. He is part of a grow­ing par­ty that is throw­ing sup­port behind Kamala. 

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