Home / Georgia / Is MTG Working To Make It Good For Brad Raffensperger?

Is MTG Working To Make It Good For Brad Raffensperger?

  • Their side, your side, you lose all sides; when you tell the truth. When you make a deci­sion to not car­ry water, not to be a cheer­leader, you don’t just lose their side, your side. Telling the truth you are will­ing to stand alone when nec­es­sary. 
  • We don’t like the elec­tion sys­tem in GA. We didn’t fall for the SB202 elec­tion law in GA. They cre­at­ed a mar­ket­ing chant “Eas­i­er to vote, hard­er to cheat”. This elec­tion is not for 2024 it’s all about 2026. What MTG has done is about 2026. If you have doc­u­men­ta­tion on machines flip­ping votes please send it in. There is so much inter­nal polling that Trump might be 60–40 in GA. But there are some things that are very con­cern­ing in Ga. 
  • There is a lot of rumor that Brad Raf­fensperg­er is run­ning for gov­er­nor in GA. MTG could give Raf­fensperg­er what he needs to have the cred­i­bil­i­ty to run. 
  • When you vote ear­ly it nar­rows down who is left. If you have vot­ed you don’t get the phone calls, mail­ers, etc. They can see that you have vot­ed pre­vi­ous­ly in pri­maries and can cat­e­go­rize you. 
  • AS of Sun­day morn­ing 1,377,738 votes cast­ed. 19.2%. We all know that machines can be hacked and votes flipped. Accord­ing to MTG, 1 vote has flipped out of the mil­lion. Now if there were 25–30 votes it may be con­cern­ing. Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly this 1 vote can’t be the only one, there should have been more. Why stir every­thing up? Why didn’t she go to Josh McK­oon to get a joint state­ment? This was an MTG stunt. Right before she head­lines and wants every­one to come to her event, she reports a vote flip. She will risk every­thing for her­self. MTG revives 2020 con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry about domin­ion machines switch­ing votes. It was just a stroke of luck. Oct 18 domin­ion switch­es 1 vote, Oct 19 
  • If Trump wins this elec­tion, he has to get through the hur­dles and one of those would be Jan 6 and get­ting cer­ti­fied. There are rea­sons why the Ene­my With­in. There are rea­sons why they won’t shut up. 
  • Peace­ful Trans­fer of Pow­er — every inter­view with Trump, JD Vance, repub­li­can sur­ro­gate. 
  • Did Trump lose the 2020 elec­tion — they will not stop ask­ing, they are try­ing to get a sound­bite. For law­fare
  • Will you accept the results? 
  • We don’t need MTG pulling any stunts espe­cial­ly to make Brad Raf­fensperg­er look good. 
  • There is a rea­son it is non-stop so they can say con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly he can not hold office. 
  • What is MTG try­ing to do? Giv­ing Raf­fensperg­er cred­i­bil­i­ty? Hurt Trump? If she has a prob­lem in her dis­trict, it needs to be report­ed not to MTG, there are hot­lines to report them, not to twit­ter. Won­der if it was a stunt for the GOP elec­tion integri­ty team going to her dis­trict. 
  • Record vot­ing in GA. 
  • Bat­tle for Don­ald Trump’s 2026 endorse­ment heats up in GA. 
  • Where is the mon­ey com­ing from? Where are these attor­neys? Post elec­tion? Attor­neys and judges both run away from any­thing hav­ing to do with elec­tions. Judge Toten­berg still has Curl­ing vs Raf­fen­perg­er sit­ting on her desk. That case could have sent GA to paper bal­lots. As long as Judge Toten­berg has the case lay­ing there, the vot­er roll chal­lenges are with­in the qui­et peri­od, but the domin­ion encryp­tion key will not go against the Toten­berg case still lin­ger­ing. McAfee would not rule to elim­i­nate the machines 3 weeks before the elec­tion. Rumor is that the GA GOP isn’t pay­ing the bills and mon­ey is tight and they are fund­ing the encryp­tion case to the Supreme Court. 
  • The GA GOP is gear­ing up for legal chal­lenges… Where are the legal teams and the mon­ey? 

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