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If Donald Trump Is Hitler Reincarnated What Message Are They Sending?

  • If Hitler was absolute­ly the ene­my and must have been cap­tured and killed. And if Don­ald Trump is Hitler rein­car­nat­ed does that mean Trump has to be killed? They have begged for the vot­ers, they have told you the econ­o­my is bet­ter, stock mar­ket is up, the rate of infla­tion is down, and prices are com­ing down, they have tried to assas­si­nate Trump, they have tried every­thing and noth­ing is work­ing. One thing you have to under­stand about John Kel­ly is that these gen­er­als are com­ing out of the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex. Eisen­how­er in the 1950s. Trump went against it. These state­ments from John Kel­ly are not new. 
  • When you see a tweet, relax before you retweet or react. The last thing we want to do is give Gabe Ster­ling, Bri­an Kemp and Brad Raf­fensperg­er make them look cred­itable. There are things that are hap­pen­ing right now that are lift­ing their resale val­ue for 2026.
  • What is hap­pen­ing at CNN? We know that MSNBC is a cam­paign arm of the DNC, so noth­ing there of any bal­ance. Trump has talked about pulling the broad­cast license from CBS. Why do you think some of the media is par­tic­i­pat­ing in tak­ing down Kamala Har­ris? CNN is not full throat­ed going after Kamala but they are report­ing some stuff. Don­ald Trump gets elect­ed, watch and see if Elon Musk is going to buy CNN or maybe some of the net­works thinks Trump is seri­ous about pulling the license or putting them in jail. 
  • The Kamala Har­ris town hall… 
  • There are con­cerns about Don­ald Trump, but he is not sur­round­ing him­self with uni­par­ty repub­li­cans. He has to have the repub­li­can par­ty to get on the bal­lot. There aren’t any war­mon­gers sur­round­ing Don­ald Trump. 
  • Joe Rogan is not 60 min­utes, Ander­son Coop­er, MSNBC. Trump has thrown the knock­out punch, but he will fin­ish with Joe Rogan on Fri­day. Kamala is going to The Eclipse to give a speech on how dan­ger­ous Trump is. 
  • They want to tell you that the elec­tion is tied. If the elec­tion is tied, half the coun­try not real­iz­ing the 911 call from John Kel­ly. But you have to come to a real­i­ty they are cre­at­ing a new world order with­out the US. 

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