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The Democrats Are Cheating In Pennsylvania

  • They are cheat­ing in PA. 
  • The democ­rats have done it again. Peo­ple are search­ing Tony Hinch­cliffe for the Puer­to Rican joke. 
  • Fire in two bal­lot box­es in Wash­ing­ton State. The gap is not nar­row­ing in Wash­ing­ton State, but the two drop box­es that were van­dal­ized in Wash­ing­ton state were in repub­li­can neigh­bor­hoods. 
  • Right now in the cam­paign when ad buys and per­son­nel stop and shift. This is when they pull up stakes and leave town. Kamala either today or tomor­row will leave Geor­gia. GA is so far out of reach for Kamala, so is NC and they are shift­ing them to Philly. They will be on the ground in par­tic­i­pat­ing in steal­ing the elec­tion. We know on the up and up that Trump is lead­ing in NH, and could pos­si­bly bring in NY and NJ. Trump was in Allen­town, 30 min­utes from NJ. MSG just over the bridge from NJ. On the up and up this is a land­slide. MN doesn’t like Walz, he may not be able to win anoth­er elec­tion in MN. MN is not a lock for Kamala. In 2016, when Trump pulled the rug from under Hil­iary. MN was close. 
  • Why do Puer­to Ricans now? They were not a focused demo­graph­ic until the joke. They didn’t care about you, they recent­ly real­ized you were there. Don­ald Trump had Allen­town on the cal­en­dar before Madi­son Square Gar­den. It was not dam­age con­trol. 
  • Remem­ber Ed the truck­er? He beat the demo­c­rat state house major­i­ty leader that had been there for years. Trump went to the Jer­sey shore and had 100K peo­ple. The repub­li­can could have won in the gov­er­nor’s race if an inves­ti­ga­tion had been done on the demo­c­rat. 
  • They are steal­ing it in PA. Val got arrest­ed yes­ter­day because she was telling peo­ple to stay in line. 

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