Home / Georgia / The Kamala Campaign Has Pulled Out Of GA, AZ and NC

The Kamala Campaign Has Pulled Out Of GA, AZ and NC

  • The Kamala cam­paign has pulled out of GA, AZ and NC and is going into PA, WI and MI. They don’t need to steal GA. A lot of news com­ing out of Northamp­ton Coun­ty PA, the same coun­ty that flipped votes in 2022. Yes­ter­day an uniden­ti­fied per­son took a box of bal­lots and dropped them off. Cit­i­zens fol­lowed him and his tag was from RI. The guy that dropped off the bal­lots was some­one that was with the post office that dropped off the bal­lots. 
  • Why do we have inves­ti­ga­tions into mul­ti­ple reg­is­tra­tions in PA? What they will do is say that we are caus­ing false alarms. In PA they har­vest a mem­o­ry care unit. Democ­rats bal­lot har­vest in these units. 
  • Do not take a back seat to any­one at this time. We have to doc­u­ment any­thing and every­thing. 
  • AJC report­ing on PA video show­ing rou­tine elec­tion process. When is the chain of cus­tody ever going to be enough? They nev­er tell you that the man car­ry­ing the bal­lots could have been avoid­ed with the chain of cus­tody. Every­thing had to be mys­te­ri­ous and why didn’t he iden­ti­fy him­self. There is a rea­son they want­ed to cre­ate this dis­cord. Always an illu­sion to get you to believe some­thing. 

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