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The NY Post Has Officially Endorsed Donald Trump

  • The NY Post has offi­cial­ly endorsed Don­ald Trump. What will be record set­ting will be the cities, NY, LA, Chica­go, Philly. Remem­ber when Mitt Rom­ney ran he did not even get one vote in Philly. They have been cheat­ing for quite some time and alter­ing our elec­tions. There is pan­ic. The elec­tion is not here yet. We haven’t won yet. Don’t get over excit­ed over polling data and hav­ing the big MO behind you. 
  • There was a star stud­ded event last night. Oba­ma reached out to black vot­ers at the Clark­ston ral­ly. If you are a chris­t­ian you can’t sup­port a woman that wants to alter your chil­dren. Star Pow­er for Har­ris… Tyler Per­ry, Bruce Spring­steen. We are told that 23K showed up. Why GA? They pulled Kamala off the cam­paign trail. They are hop­ing now that the peo­ple now in WI, MI, PA don’t want her in their state. 
  • Can you hear the infight­ing on the Walz pick? 
  • PA data shows democ­rats have lead in main-in vot­ing. The report is mis­lead­ing. In the state of PA you have to reg­is­ter per par­ty. They do not know how you vote, in the state they just know your par­ty affil­i­a­tion. The only thing that has hap­pened is they know that more reg­is­tered democ­rats have vot­ed but they don’t know how they vot­ed. This is des­per­a­tion. What they don’t tell you in all these graph­ics is that the range between repub­li­cans and democ­rats has shrunk in PA. Repub­li­cans have gained enor­mous num­bers in PA. 
  • They are on all the morn­ing pro­grams benign you to come back. There is no pol­i­cy only how dan­ger­ous it will be if Trump is pres­i­dent. They will tell you Trump doesn’t have a plan. They will tell you Trump will not have guardrails. 
  • They are so des­per­ate to change the sub­ject they spent 20 min­utes talk­ing about the world series.

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