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The Reporting Of What We Are Seeing Is Because Of Early Voting

  • Ear­ly vot­ing, steal­ing an elec­tion. No mat­ter what you say, they couldn’t do report­ing of what we are see­ing with­out ear­ly vot­ing. If we do not get back to elec­tion day, they will con­tin­ue to steal elec­tions. They are wait­ing, lying in the tall grass like a snake to attack. Marc Elias is ready. Kamala Har­ris’ cam­paign is qui­et­ly con­fi­dent. YOu would not have any report­ing at all, read­ing with­out ear­ly vot­ing. They have an enor­mous amount of repub­li­can data. They know the area and the demo­graph­ic that has not turned out. 
  • Nik­ki Haley is in PA cam­paign­ing for Dave McCormick. The best thing about Sunday’s ral­ly at Madi­son Square Gar­den is that there were not any major repub­li­cans. It would real­ly hurt Don­ald Trump’s base if Nik­ki Haley was on stage with Trump. What she is doing is harm­less, some­thing that Kemp is not doing. 
  • Trump almost cracked the blue wall in MN in 2016. Elec­toral col­lege pre­dic­tions. 
  • What is the pay­off for Waf­fle House John? 
  • What is Bri­an Kemp’s future? Bri­an Kemp is pour­ing mil­lions of dol­lars into a cam­paign and is cam­paign­ing all over the state. Trump will win GA. We know why Kemp cam­paigned in Val­dos­ta so he could take some of that love from Trump and take it to dis­tricts for the GA state house and sen­ate that are in trou­ble because they sup­port­ed Nik­ki Haley and turned it around. Kemp is doing every­thing he can to pull these peo­ple across the fin­ish line. He has 2 years left and he needs a major­i­ty state house and sen­ate so he can pass some cam­paign leg­is­la­tion for 2026. 

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