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They Absolutely Want Violence

  • WE have not won yet. But the real threat to democ­ra­cy is the deep state. Xi and Putin were at the Brics sum­mit. Keep in mind that is who Trump would meet with. Kamala couldn’t meet with them. 
  • Land of the Free Lunch. The US spent $150 Bil­lion on migrants last year and is tak­ing mon­ey from every­thing else. Trump call­ing the US a trash can. Every­one knows that Trump is not respon­si­ble for this. 
  • Why do they want this? Why can’t we have an elec­tion where we guar­an­tee to the Amer­i­can peo­ple that it is fair, free accu­rate report­ing. Why do we have to be brought to a boil­ing point? Why do they want vio­lence? We don’t want vio­lence. 11 days the tide turns to Don­ald Trump. 
  • Trump is going to Madi­son Square Gar­den. They are upset he is going to Madi­son Square Gar­den. Trump is play­ing the Gar­den. 
  • If the roles were reversed it would be all over the air­waves, there would be no need to pro­vide evi­dence before the per­se­cu­tion. It would end the cam­paign for most, Doug Emoff slap­ping ex-girl­friend. 
  • Keep an eye on Tyler Harp­er
  • Trump is doing the Joe Rogan pod­cast today. 
  • Philly fire­fight­ers union flips sen­ate endorse­ment to GOP McCormick tired of polit­i­cal promis­es.

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