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Why Are They Upset Over New Hampshire?

  • In NH, Trump leads, a state repub­li­cans haven’t won in 24 years. But what has them upset is that NH has elec­tion day. NO ear­ly vot­ing, means they can’t start look­ing at the algo­rithm. They can’t look at the data in advance to see what they need to close the gap. 
  • MN is now in play. Walz is not as pop­u­lar in MN as you think. He may not be able to bring home the bacon. Walz accused of push­ing Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty official’s daugh­ter to brink of sui­cide dur­ing love affair in 1980s. And Trump is the con­cern? 
  • We have some great peo­ple behind the scenes that are work­ing on legal things we need to pay atten­tion to. The MS rule vs NV rule — count­ing mail in bal­lots three days after the elec­tion. The 5th cir­cuit said no, the bal­lots had to be in your office. Then the NV Supreme Court said no, not what will hap­pen in NV. 
  • All 435 mem­bers are up for reelec­tion every 2 years. Mike John­son will be re-elect­ed. It is safe to say he will be the speak­er again. The sen­ate is a 6 year term. The repub­li­cans will have the major­i­ty. Is Rick Scott Trump’s pick for Sen­ate Leader? Rick Scott is in a heat­ed race in Flori­da. We know Mitch McConnell is leav­ing. The sen­ate is where you approve Trump’s nom­i­nees for his cab­i­net and courts. The RINO fac­tion that cir­cles around Mitch are cir­cling around Thune. Cornyn, from Texas, is a no. Mike Lee is push­ing for reforms. We have to have Sen­ate lead­er­ship that will pass the Trump house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives agen­da. We don’t need a sen­ate that will cave to Kamala. 
  • Tuck­er con­ver­sa­tion with NY Times reporter. 

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