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The Media Is Going Nuts Over Loyalty

  • What hap­pened to Tim Scott? How did repub­li­cans do as a par­ty with black mem­bers of con­gress? Trump increased his vote mar­gins with His­pan­ic and black com­mu­ni­ties. Repub­li­cans all across the coun­try have to acknowl­edge the new vot­ing blocks that brought them the vic­to­ry. Mar­co Rubio is Cuban, he’s not Jose. What hap­pened and what do we need to do? If we act now we will be able to do what needs to be done with Tom Hol­man. We need an anti-sanc­tu­ary city team. 
  • The media goes nuts over loy­al­ty. In 2016 Trump didn’t have a chance to pick any­one that would be loy­al to him and his agen­da. Susie Wiles is the one that has stuck with Trump when a lot of peo­ple left his side. She will not be the pol­i­cy per­son in the White House. She will be the gate­keep­er, she will make sure there are no leaks in the White House. She cur­rent­ly has MAL so tight. Stephen Miller as deputy chief of staff for pol­i­cy. Stephen Miller nev­er left and nev­er turned on Trump. They are both loy­al­ists. Miller will be in a pol­i­cy posi­tion that will have Trump’s ear. 
  • Trump pos­si­bly picks Kristi Noem for DHS (Home­land Secu­ri­ty). Does she have the expe­ri­ence and know-how? The media will try to destroy these picks and they will have the help of some repub­li­cans. Much like what hap­pened with Mark Robin­son in North Car­oli­na.
  • Homan will be the bor­der czar, he will start depor­ta­tions on day one.  Tom Homan will not have to be con­firmed by the Sen­ate. They will do every­thing they can to destroy Homan and the entire Trump admin­is­tra­tion. The media runs the fam­i­ly sep­a­ra­tion nar­ra­tive but DFAC pulls kids from homes all the time. What will hap­pen is hav­ing the dis­cus­sion of nat­u­ral­ized cit­i­zens vs birthright cit­i­zen­ship (anchor babies). They know that if they are 8 months preg­nant they have to get to the US to have the baby to get the whole fam­i­ly. 
  • Is Bud­dy Carter, GA 1st dis­trict con­gress­man, retir­ing? Will he run again in 2026?
  • GA said no to TSPLOST

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