Home / National / If The Hoover Building Turned Into The Deep State Museum, Would You Go?

If The Hoover Building Turned Into The Deep State Museum, Would You Go?

  • The media is los­ing it over Kash Patel going into the FBI. Trump has float­ed lead­er­ship changes for the FBI and Fed­er­al Reserve. But Kash Patel may not go into the FBI as the direc­tor.  We need to audit the Fed­er­al REserve and give the truth of what is owed and then dis­solve it. We know that Christo­pher Wray has 2 more years in his term. But Trump could fire him. The Fed chair is ready for a legal fight if Trump fires him. Patel would be a con­tro­ver­sial pick for a lead­er­ship role. The deep state is ready to take him down. 
  • The Hoover build­ing turned into the Deep State Muse­um, would you go? 
  • There is a con­cern that Kash Patel couldn’t get con­firmed because there are hours of tape where he will shrink the gov­ern­ment. 
  • They want Don­ald Trump to sign the tran­si­tion agree­ment. 
  • There is a rea­son why Trump has not put out his FBI direc­tor yet. Inside the DOJ there are some peo­ple that want to save their job and want to make a deal. 
  • What is Christo­pher Wray going to do to pre­serve the insti­tu­tion? They will tell you that they are all about the Con­sti­tu­tion and pre­serv­ing it. It is all about pre­serv­ing the insti­tu­tion and not the coun­try. 
  • Yes­ter­day the judge agreed to dis­miss Trump’s 2020 elec­tion inter­fer­ence case. The lib­er­als are los­ing it. They were promised that some­one would sen­tence Trump and he would be in jail. They have to give their peo­ple hope. They are run­ning sto­ries today to calm peo­ple down say­ing that the immu­ni­ty to a pres­i­dent is tem­po­rary, expir­ing when they leave office. The sen­tenc­ing has been deferred until he gets out of office. 

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