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Let’s Get Ready. They Are Coming For Us!


It’s now time for con­ser­v­a­tives to end the ‘hap­py talk’ that has infect­ed us since Trumps stun­ning elec­tion vic­to­ry. We must focus our efforts instead on pro­tect­ing Trumps appointees while the Rad­i­cal Democ­rats are in dis­ar­ray try­ing to fig­ure out what hap­pened to ’em and who to blame for their fail­ure. How about Nan­cy Pelosi for a start? But the anar­chists, the BLM’rs and Antifa street thugs who cre­at­ed the Blue cities chaos in the past few years, prac­ti­cal­ly unop­posed, have no inten­tion of let­ting Trumps agen­da to drain the swamp, or run off all the ille­gals intrud­ers, suc­ceed if they can stop it.

The Antifa mobs of Pro­gres­sive chaos may face oth­er prob­lems since Trumps sweep­ing elec­tion man­date, a deple­tion of their own ranks. Many of them must real­ize that reju­ve­nat­ed police forces (they’re com­ing) will no longer be expect­ed to face mob chaos with the hands-off soft­ness pre­vi­ous­ly imposed on them. The smart ones may not even show up at all. I will add this caveat: They are known! Dur­ing all the pri­or riots, under­cov­er offi­cers were wan­der­ing the back streets record­ing license plates num­bers, iden­ti­fy­ing the anar­chists for future action if they should show up again to do mis­chief. They’re all known, even those rad­i­cals employed with­in the ranks of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. They lurk as fifth colum­nists ready to do their dam­age to Trumps agen­da.

Present­ly the anar­chists have lit­tle prospects of stop­ping Trump except by the lucky action of some dement­ed indi­vid­u­als. We’ve seen two such failed attempts to assas­si­nate Trump by deranged men trig­gered on the fears cre­at­ed by the Left that Trump is a fas­cist and a dan­ger to Democ­ra­cy. Still we must won­der what Trump Agen­da issue will trig­ger anoth­er attempt by real fas­cist thugs.  The depor­ta­tion issue ris­es as the best polit­i­cal turn­ing point for the Repub­li­can Par­ty. Trump has laid out his explic­it plan for deport­ing the ille­gal invaders and some politi­cians and car­tels don’t like it. With­out Trump, the old deep state GOP would­n’t even try to cope with this issue espe­cial­ly in the face of Deep State gen­er­at­ed pop­u­lar sen­ti­ment against the depor­ta­tions. It would be a “Kick the can down the road” sit­u­a­tion for anoth­er con­gress to solve. But Amer­i­cans have had enough. Trumps elec­tion man­date hinged upon his promise to deport ’em so, it promis­es to become a polit­i­cal bat­tle of major pro­por­tions and is the rea­son that Trumps cab­i­net selec­tions are all out­siders unfazed by polit­i­cal threats of the Deep State that Trumps poli­cies will destroy democ­ra­cy, trade and the cheap labor force they say is need­ed here. Just for the record, there are not 20 mil­lion jobs here to employ them all.

The rad­i­cal think­ing, sim­ple enough, is that after Trump resumes office, Blue states rad­i­cals will cre­ate vio­lent mul­ti­ple protests expect­ing him to over step his author­i­ty by using exces­sive force. They would hope that would start the pop­u­lar unrav­el­ling of his man­date. We’ve been there and have already expe­ri­enced what these peo­ple can do fol­low­ing the George Floyd inci­dent in 2020. They launched their rev­o­lu­tion that burned city cen­ters, destroyed pri­vate prop­er­ty, assault­ed folks and even got a cou­ple of their own killed. With Trump in charge, any repeat vio­lence could be met with vio­lence and they can’t pro­ceed very far with­out pop­u­lar sen­ti­ment. Nei­ther can they pro­ceed with­out fund­ing and that’s where the likes of bil­lion­aires like George Soros,  Bill Gates, et al. come in. Trump knows ’em and has already set into motion what their fate will be if they decide to inter­fere. Anoth­er part of their plan rests on gain­ing the approval of local Demo­c­rat office hold­ers and the sup­port from local rank-and-file Demo­c­rat vot­ers. They ignore the Novem­ber elec­tion at their per­il because peo­ple and sick of all the unAmer­i­can rad­i­cal non­sense the Demo­c­rat par­ty has forced down Amer­i­can throats since Oba­ma. Amer­i­cans want their coun­try back, not the Social­ist utopia Oba­ma want­ed.

Trumps first term suc­cess when com­pared with the Marx­ist BS of the Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion, eas­i­ly dis­pels the notion that social­ism is bet­ter than free mar­ket cap­i­tal­ism imposed by force. Amer­i­cans were sick of it and will not tol­er­ate any more street assaults by Pro­gres­sive morons in the name of Democ­ra­cy. If they want to come for us, we’re ready!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, let’s help Trump make Amer­i­ca great again and keep it there. (21Nov24)

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