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Make America Great Again Does Not Start In DC

  • Next week the Sen­ate will start the con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings for Trump’s cab­i­net. 
  • Trump asks the Supreme Court to block NY hush mon­ey sen­tenc­ing. 
  • If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing how the US, EU and UN are fund­ing the Tal­iban and Al-Qae­da vis­it alqaedamostwanted.com
  • Biden is announc­ing the final $500M in Ukraine mil­i­tary aid. It ends about $65B in secu­ri­ty assis­tance under Biden. Trump would get about $3.8B more to use if he chose. Biden is emp­ty­ing the trea­sury. 
  • Here we go again. Every year GA tried to pass gam­bling under the guise of sports bet­ting. This is the 7th year in a row. Why do we need a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment for sports bet­ting? Who is Robert Willis, founder and chair of Trout­man Strate­gies. It is a lob­by­ist group with 1600 attor­neys across 33 offices in the Unit­ed States and Europe based in Atlanta. Their focus is on school safe­ty and sports bet­ting. 
  • Remem­ber a cou­ple of years ago there was a soap box der­by bill where a city want­ed to be named the soap box der­by cap­i­tal. It was about a 3 page bill. Well the sports bet­ting law­mak­ers couldn’t get their bill passed so they shoved their bill into this 3 page bill to get it passed. The fresh­man law­mak­er who spon­sored the soap box bill pulled the bill after the addi­tion­al 60+ pages were added. 
  • If they only want­ed to have sports bet­ting then why are they writ­ing in a full gam­bling com­mis­sion in our con­sti­tu­tion? More info to come. 
  • Prop­er­ty tax scam in your coun­ty cir­cle. They put you in fear so you will pay your tax­es, say­ing if you don’t pay you won’t get this ser­vice. How it works. In the state of GA the coun­ty is assessed every 3 years, so each year ⅓ of the coun­ty gets reassessed. The tax asses­sor sets the prop­er­ty val­ue. The coun­ty com­mis­sion­er sets the mill­age rate, they are the tax author­i­ty in the coun­ty. The tax com­mis­sion­er sends and col­lects the bills. Cur­rent­ly it is a vicious cycle of blame, none of the par­ties tak­ing the blame for the increase in prop­er­ty tax­es.
  • GA law­mak­ers put out a bill for a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment HB581 for a cap of prop­er­ty assess­ments of 3% to stop the coun­ty slush fund. To get the mon­ey the coun­ties are get­ting used to hav­ing, they will have to raise the mill­age rate, the coun­ty com­mis­sion­ers don’t want that blame since they have been able to give cit­i­zens the round around by not rais­ing the mill­age rate while the assess­ments have increased. Coun­ties are able to opt out of the HB581 and they are start­ing to do so know­ing the peo­ple have over­whelm­ing­ly vot­ed for the 3% cap. 
  • Make Amer­i­ca Great Again does not start in DC. MAGA starts in your neigh­bor­hood, your coun­ty and city. 

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