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The Devastation In California Was Avoidable

  • The dev­as­ta­tion in CA was avoid­able. What hap­pened in West­ern NC was not avoid­able. The fire chief was praised because she was the first woman LGBTQ per­son in the posi­tion, and her abil­i­ty was sec­ond. This is our chance to turn Cal­i­for­nia, to turn New York, New Jer­sey and even Illi­nois. What does Trump’s can­di­da­cy mean to restore the repub­lic? This is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to restore the repub­lic. You are look­ing at firsts and not the abil­i­ty to do. The cit­i­zens of CA aren’t going to put up with the dis­as­ter any­more. 
  • Today is sen­tenc­ing day. 
  • Jim­my Carter was laid to rest yes­ter­day. 
  • Fet­ter­man is going to MAL. Fet­ter­man made the com­ment about being the pope of Green­land. The Lak­en Riley Act that Fet­ter­man co-spon­sored made it to the Sen­ate floor for debate. It has­n’t pass, yet. Once it goes to the floor to debate that is when they want to hang orna­ments on it. Go look at the amend­ments. 
  • Make Amer­i­ca Great Again is hold­ing your coun­ty elect­ed offi­cials to the fire. Fan­nin Coun­ty swore in 3 new board of edu­ca­tion mem­bers unseat­ing 3 incum­bents. 

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