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Will Colton Moore Be Able To Perform His Constitutional Duty?

 In March, Jon Burns banned Colton Moore from the House cham­ber for life. Yes­ter­day Jon Burns said that Colton Moore would not be allowed to come into the cham­ber for the State of the State address today. Today at 11am, Bri­an Kemp will hold his State of the State address and if Colton Moore tries to enter the cham­ber he will be arrest­ed. There has been a call to action across the state for Colton Moore to be allowed to enter the cham­ber. 

The Sen­ate and the House are on oppo­site ends of the Capi­tol and each have a cham­ber. When there is a joint ses­sion, the Sen­ate and the House come togeth­er and go into the House Cham­bers. Today is the State of the State Address which is a joint ses­sion. 

Yes­ter­day Colton Moore put out a Tyrant Alert as Speak­er Jon Burns is attempt­ing to arrest and block him from rep­re­sent­ing the 53rd Dis­trict at the State of the State address. Colton Moore wrote a let­ter to Jon Burns telling him it is her con­sti­tu­tion­al right and duty to attend the address. 

The speak­er ordered black cur­tains to the House cham­ber so that when some­one goes in there you will not be able to see what hap­pens. There are also addi­tion­al State Patrol there, 4–5 high­way patrol inside the cur­tains to enter the cham­ber. No one will be able to video, peo­ple and their phones will be caught film­ing. The media is banned from that area. 

Colton Moore was removed from the Repub­li­can State Sen­ate Cau­cus. Then banned from enter­ing the House cham­ber last March. He was removed although it was not a vote. Speak­er Burns’ office is say­ing that there was a vote 179 to 1, it was not a vote. Colton Moore object­ed to the new wing at Uni­ver­si­ty of North Geor­gia Blue Ridge that was being built after Speak­er Ral­ston. 

David Ral­ston was the 7th Dis­trict rep­re­sen­ta­tive for years. He was the sec­ond longest speak­er of the house. He was also an attor­ney and was accused of leg­isla­tive leave vio­la­tions. He would take cas­es and delay them indef­i­nite­ly. The judge has the right to push back, but more than 99% the judge rub­ber stamps it and moves it along. And because he was Speak­er of the House, David Ral­ston was able to use leg­isla­tive leave year round because he had busi­ness all over the state all year. The vic­tims would not get their day in court, there are doc­u­ments that would show this evi­dence. GA House Speak­er David Ral­ston did not like a cer­tain side of the par­ty. Ral­ston ruled the GA State House with an iron fist. 

Now Ral­ston gets the mon­ey put in the leg­is­la­tion to get the satel­lite cam­pus in Blue Ridge for the UNG. Then gets fund­ing for a per­ma­nent cam­pus. When they built this cam­pus and opened up, the year before Ral­ston died, he got a major chunk of mon­ey put into the bud­get for the new wing. Gov­er­nor Kemp came to the cam­pus to sign the bud­get that year. 

Speak­er Ral­ston dies and some shed no tears. The unveiled offi­cial Speak­er of the House por­trait and had a res­o­lu­tion to name the UNG blue ridge new addi­tion the David Ral­ston build­ing. They are build­ing it right now. At the unveil­ing and the res­o­lu­tion, there were sev­er­al fam­i­ly mem­bers that were in the room when this was done. 

Colton Moore was asked to be rec­og­nized in the well of the Sen­ate. Colton Moore made his com­ments. What was on the floor of the House was the res­o­lu­tion to name the build­ing after David Ral­ston. The vote was for the res­o­lu­tion not for the removal of Colton Moore.  

When David Ral­ston died there was a move to put his wife Sheree Ral­ston in his place. The infor­ma­tion that Colton Moore gave was most­ly accu­rate. David Ral­ston won the dis­trict every 2 years by 70+%. He did get the mon­ey for the build­ing and the build­ing is in the town where he lived, died and buried. 

At 11am Bri­an Kemp will give the State of the State address. We are wait­ing on the update on if Colton Moore will be arrest­ed as he is try­ing to attend the address. This is the same Colton Moore that brought atten­tion to the ille­gals in the Atlanta air­port.  

It is said that he is the most inaf­fec­tive law­mak­er in the state, but he is the num­ber one law­mak­er to draw atten­tion to issues that need to be addressed. 

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