Home / Georgia / Colton Moore Jailed, GA Capitol Tensions, and Tech Security Concerns

Colton Moore Jailed, GA Capitol Tensions, and Tech Security Concerns

Colton Moore, crit­i­cal of Fani Willis, was jailed in her juris­dic­tion. Speak­er Jon Burns blocked him from the Capi­tol floor, spark­ing ques­tions. Nation­al­ly, Trump’s “Deep State” fight and Tik­Tok secu­ri­ty wor­ries dom­i­nate dis­cus­sions, while debates about Jan­u­ary 6th agi­ta­tors con­tin­ue.

  • This is the guy, Colton Moore, that asked about get­ting rid of Fani Willis and then ends up in Fani Willis’ jail charged with a mis­de­meanor. The dude that threw the bear hug, Kei­th Williams, What were you think­ing? Jon Burns is elect­ed, and only his con­stituents can call for his res­ig­na­tion but he does need to resign from Speak­er. David Cross the only per­son in lead­er­ship in the state of GA con­demn­ing what hap­pened yes­ter­day. 
  • WE laid the ground­work of what hap­pened yes­ter­day at the Geor­gia Capi­tol. Why did Jon Burns not allow him on the floor? What did Colton Moore say that angered Jon Burns? Now every­one is look­ing at Speak­er David Ral­ston. 
  • A lot of peo­ple say that Mike Turn­er, for­mer intel chair in the house, is a lit­tle too close to the CIA. Mike John­son fired Mike Turn­er. A lot of ques­tions, did the call come from MAL. Is Don­ald Trump seri­ous about get­ting rid of the Deep State? 
  • All Amer­i­cans going to DC this week­end, we are pray­ing for safe­ty. All the pic­tures on Social media of peo­ple get­ting ready to go to the inau­gu­ra­tion on Mon­day. Who’s Who on the ris­ers behind Trump at the inau­gu­ra­tion cer­e­mo­ny. Tech CEOs on the ris­ers min­gling with the Trump cab­i­net. Will Tik­Tok go dark on Sun­day? The tech indus­tri­al com­plex. 
  • Our elec­tions are so secure. Now the nation­al trea­sury is dif­fer­ent, the chi­nese got into the trea­sury sec­re­tary com­put­er. They can get into tele­com sys­tems. They can steal your data on Tik­Tok. They can float a bal­loon across the coun­try steal­ing your infra­struc­ture. The list goes on but they can’t get into our elec­tions. The one thing they guar­an­tee you today is safe, secure elec­tions. 
  • Bob Ueck­er, Mr. Base­ball died yes­ter­day. 
  • How many of you think there were agi­ta­tors in the crowd on Jan­u­ary 6? And do you think this was the only time this has hap­pened? There are things that are hap­pen­ing and events that are mag­net­ic hap­pen­ing to draw you into a core to put you on a list. 

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