Colton Moore Jailed, GA Capitol Tensions, and Tech Security Concerns
Colton Moore, critical of Fani Willis, was jailed in her jurisdiction. Speaker Jon Burns blocked him from the Capitol floor, sparking questions. Nationally, Trump’s “Deep State” fight and TikTok security worries dominate discussions, while debates about January 6th agitators continue.
- This is the guy, Colton Moore, that asked about getting rid of Fani Willis and then ends up in Fani Willis’ jail charged with a misdemeanor. The dude that threw the bear hug, Keith Williams, What were you thinking? Jon Burns is elected, and only his constituents can call for his resignation but he does need to resign from Speaker. David Cross the only person in leadership in the state of GA condemning what happened yesterday.
- WE laid the groundwork of what happened yesterday at the Georgia Capitol. Why did Jon Burns not allow him on the floor? What did Colton Moore say that angered Jon Burns? Now everyone is looking at Speaker David Ralston.
- A lot of people say that Mike Turner, former intel chair in the house, is a little too close to the CIA. Mike Johnson fired Mike Turner. A lot of questions, did the call come from MAL. Is Donald Trump serious about getting rid of the Deep State?
- All Americans going to DC this weekend, we are praying for safety. All the pictures on Social media of people getting ready to go to the inauguration on Monday. Who’s Who on the risers behind Trump at the inauguration ceremony. Tech CEOs on the risers mingling with the Trump cabinet. Will TikTok go dark on Sunday? The tech industrial complex.
- Our elections are so secure. Now the national treasury is different, the chinese got into the treasury secretary computer. They can get into telecom systems. They can steal your data on TikTok. They can float a balloon across the country stealing your infrastructure. The list goes on but they can’t get into our elections. The one thing they guarantee you today is safe, secure elections.
- Bob Uecker, Mr. Baseball died yesterday.
- How many of you think there were agitators in the crowd on January 6? And do you think this was the only time this has happened? There are things that are happening and events that are magnetic happening to draw you into a core to put you on a list.